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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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shadowfax821 last won the day on December 3 2015

shadowfax821 had the most liked content!


8 Neutral

About shadowfax821

  • Birthday 08/21/1960

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Bayonne New Jersey
  • Interests
    Star Wars, Zombies and anything Sci-Fi and did I mention STAR WARS.

501st Information

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    New jersey
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. Yes please. I appreciate it. rickmassa501stner@yahoo.com
  2. Hi all, Does anyone know where I can get radio chatter for biker scout? I hear their is a good one out there but I cant locate it. Rick TB-82160
  3. I found my cummerbund and pouches ....I got them from Studio Creations...Thanks for your advise it was truly appreciated.
  4. Did that when you told me and haven't heard anything yet. Trying to see if anyone else can help.
  5. I am assembling a Biker scout build and I am in need of a cummerbund and pouches if anyone has one for sale. My email is rickmassa501stner@yahoo.com I have contacted a few members here but have not received any replies yet. If anyone can assist me it would be greatly appreciated. Rick TD-82160
  6. Thank you.
  7. You know I am there when your ready..Randy also got his build.
  8. Thank you friend...I'm on it.
  9. Ok..I've ordered everything I think will need...Armor and helmet, Boots ( that I will make myself) ..Gloves..Flight suit...Hold Out Blaster. If i missed anything feel free to let me know...I could use the advise.
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