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PFD Recruit
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KDuB last won the day on December 27 2016

KDuB had the most liked content!


16 Good

About KDuB

  • Birthday 05/30/1969

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    Huntington Beach, Ca

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  1. I did not know that when I purchased them from him, and he didn't even tell me that when I was asking originally. Again, he's a good dude. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Wow, Great work man!!!! I am def going to use your TD magnet idea.....
  3. Thanks Cheyenne... Its hard to see the forrest because of the trees, especially when you run a speeder bike into them.... Tschuss!!!!!!!!
  4. She already put a kibosh on that one..... Ha ha ha
  5. Scouts Out!!!!!!

  6. So do I, they feel nice.... my wife won't let me sleep in them though.... Ha ha ha
  7. This WIP Moved to HQ....
  8. Here we go...its a start, whats it been a year? Lets hope I put it in the right place..... Your comments and concerns are welcome and expected.... 1) Wampa wear gloves, tags, mitten hook and loops removal.. 2) Bavalacava (UnderArmor).... Or how ever the heck you spell it. More to come. Next up Flight suit and Vest....... Merry Xmas to all KDuB ////// UPDATE 12/26/16 1) Flight suit Front Back Vest I know, should have taken a pic with the vest on... I will, I promise.... and no comments on the flip flops!
  9. Scouts Out!!!!!!

  10. Yeah, what you said Spike!!!! Merry Christmas Brother!
  11. Hey brother... Happy holidays! Check your cummerbund pouches. looks like flaps are incorrect, no big deal, it can be fixed. I do see the ribs on the cummerbund, try to add more batting to give them more definition. Keep at it man, we will knock this out of the park. Scouts out!!!! KDuB
  12. Here we go...its a start, whats it been a year? Lets hope I put it in the right place..... Your comments and concerns are welcome and expected.... 1) Wampa wear gloves, tags, mitten hook and loops removal.. 2) Bavalacava (UnderArmor).... Or how ever the heck you spell it. More to come. Next up Flight suit and Vest....... Merry Xmas to all KDuB ////// UPDATE... Of course its in the wrong place. Should be in HQ. As soon as I can figure out how to move it. I will. KDuB
  13. Finish your flight suit John!!!!!!
  14. Cant help but over think it...... LOL.
  15. All, I am having issues finding good pictures of the Fronts and Front sides cuts on the boots. If you are so inclined please snap pictures of your boots (Head on a then the front half forward) and post them for all of us scrubs to see..... The Empire thanks you for your service and leadership, KDuB
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