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501st Legion (RET)
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About Chip

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  1. Thanks guys, glad you like it. It became a personal challenge to get it to completion and cleared, pretty pleased how it turned out. Did my first local troop yesterday, for a friends workplace families day, and the kids (and big kids) loved it.
  2. Having done a number of troops recently with TKs brandishing their E-11s modified with BlastFX and Miniscope mods, I set about trying to modify an EC-17 to match them at their own game. Unable to find an accurate EC-17 suitable for the electronics, I decided to buy my own 3D printer and try and design one myself. After several months of designing and also 3D printing mods for the 3D printer I finally tried out my design. Two prototypes later and I was pleased enough with its stability to install the electronics, I'm now chuffed to say that this has been cleared as a special effects EC-17 blaster with the UKG and I can now take on the TKs ?. I put together a short video with some pics and video of the blaster in action, as soon as I've done my next troop I'll get some real in action video. Hope you enjoy and it inspires others to take on this challenge and take on those ohh so clean TKs ??
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