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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by mustangman3000

  1. I used Velcro and elastic strapping to attach mine. After a year and more than a dozen troops it's just as strong as the day I did it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. That helmet... Is art. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Helmet is clearly designed after the original concept art Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I think this is fantastic as it will make us recognizable to children who may not be very familiar with the original movies
  5. Awesome collection and display!
  6. Are they really comparable to CB? I know the Scout helmet project has been full of lies and broken promises from RS, and there isn't any excusing that, but has anyone who has asked for a refund had trouble getting one? In the case of CB, those people are out the money with little chance of getting a helmet. I don't believe this to be the case with RS. If anyone received a refund from RS, would you mind sharing how long it took and how well it was handled? I think these are very important details to take into consideration before putting them on a vendor problem list.
  7. Based on this quote I'm sure you're right Bobaben. "It is safe to say that this helmet will be a very desirable helmet in the future due to the very limited number that we will ever produce in light of what we know now."
  8. It's amazing that they look totally different when viewed from the front but look almost identical in the 3/4 shots. I know part of this is due to the LW being closer to the camera and making up for the size difference but I still think it's very interesting.
  9. If you go by this photo I'd say they're close to screen accurate. I do agree that they need to be tightened up though.
  10. I'm about the same size as you and SC worked great for me!
  11. Sorry for such a late reply. I've only had the chance to troop in it once with my 2nd troop coming up the day after tomorrow so I really haven't used it enough to say for sure. That being said, I truly believe its there to stay and will never come off unless its taken off.
  12. Costume has been approved!
  13. Rounding off those corners IMO makes the costume look so much better!
  14. If anything my shoulders are too low and could be moved forward a bit. If you look at the movie the gap is much smaller than what I have.
  15. So let's fast forward a little... And done! After the pictures were taken we added some Velcro to the top of the bund to hold it up. Also need to shorten the vest sleeves. Right now I'm just going for basic approval and I may upgrade to lancer at a later date.
  16. The gap is a bit more prominent on the other side but the movie scouts had gaps so I'm not that worried about it.
  17. All the gluing is done and I just attached the tank to the back! Jeff didn't leave a lot of room to rivet the bottom and I didn't have any scrap ABS to make a bracket like Panda so I decided to do something entirely different. I cut slots in the back armor and laid industrial strength Velcro inside the tank and inside the back. Then I just ran elastic straps through the slots to hold them together. I could make the top strap a little shorter but it's fine for now. Tank is rock solid! Not even a hint of a wiggle!
  18. Going slow but at least it's going. Added the decals to the tank and I just used e6000 to glue the topper. I don't have many clamps so I have to wait till tomorrow before I glue something else.
  19. Quick update I've smoothed the rough cut edges on all the pieces and rounded the corners on the shoulder armor. I've also installed Velcro in all the arm/leg pieces but I still need to make the straps. I ordered a rivet gun, rivets and washers, they should be here tomorrow.
  20. Just got my armor in from SC so I guess now is as good a time as ever to start a build thread! I know most people recommend replacing the 2'' nylon strap with cotton but is there any other components included with the kit you'd recommend replacing? Looking forward to getting this started and it feels great having a fantastic community like this to help me through it!
  21. You're right. If only the colors were reversed.
  22. What do you guys think about these boots? http://lugz.com/footwear/mdrbt-751/ The band around the bottom kinda gives me that Sierra vibe (Not that you'd ever see it except on the heel when your ankle is bent).
  23. While browsing the web I came across these and thought I'd ask what you guys think http://snickersuk.com/worksuits-overalls/492--6073-service-overall.html I live in the states so it probably wouldn't be economical for me to purchase but I thought it may be of some interest to overseas members.
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