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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by christoff88

  1. No pics yet, but an update: Have all the parts needed except suede for the patches and mudflap. Getting ready to mod the flight suit and assemble the armor!
  2. My HFx Production blasters arrived today. Figured I would upgrade my E-11 while I was at it! https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/111784555350846410355/albums/6151049699739175793/6217857756731601378?pid=6217857756731601378&oid=111784555350846410355
  3. Hi all. Retired TK here making the leap to TB. Figured I would start a build thread. First question, on the flight suit: I removed the breast and butt pockets already. On one leg there are two additional small pockets in the side. I presume these have to be removed as well? I only ask because it's stiched into the leg seam, which means I'm going to have to undo that as well. SC armor should be arriving today!
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