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About redblurr

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    SLC, UT

501st Information

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  • 501st Garrison
    Alpine Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. Change in plans, scout is going to be #2 for me. WTF is coming out with a TA kit next month so I changed my preorder over to it. This will get my armor in hand in a month instead of summertime, it is my next favorite to the Scout.. and when asked to choose my kids both said "AT-AT Driver!" Needless to say, the choice was not as difficult after that. I will still be doing a WTF Scout, just moving it back a while
  2. Looking Good!
  3. Alright, another WTF preorder! I'm the same, except it will be my first build. I'll be watching this thread Ravin, with your experience you'll probably be done and approved while i am still working on fitting Can't wait to see how you get your together!
  4. I'll start posting pics from initial brown box opening onward once it comes. He is still quite a few months out from production though, but this is exciting! I should have the 80% TK soon and have it done before the TB ships, so my first build will be done and all the experience gained, so I hope i won't make too many newbie mistakes on this one
  5. I've been waiting for this one for a while, as soon as preorder came up, my wife knew "YES" was the only correct answer, so I snagged preorder #1
  6. I know Walt's Trooper Factory is going to be offering a new Scout Armor kit soon, and he is now taking preorders.
  7. I have some old phone wires at home, i'll see if I can dig them out and see how they match up. Probably early 90's manufacture, USA purchased. Also, for the webbing, first thing that popped in my mind was US Army cotton BDU belt, old style, not the new nylon crap. Image below. I know they (used to at least) have a white core. I know in the early 80's they were easily available genuine issue, not so much any more. Also, the dress uniform black belts were slightly elastic. One small problem with this is they are 1.25 inches, not 2". I wonder if they are made that wide somewhere? What do you think??
  8. Hi all, I have preordered Walt's / WTF upcomming scout armor kit. I plan on doing my build over the summer. Any info for a future new 501st applicant? Mainly that since I now have the armor on order, where do I go to start getting the rest of the needed items? And yes now that I have decided on what my first armor will be (my childhood favorite) I will be reading thru the forums as time allows and will probably end up find the answers to all my questions. Before I build my TB, I am building my sons TK using WTF 80% kit, my really first ever build. Good practice for me and lots of excitement for him and his sister. Going along with my sentence above, I have answered the majority of my build questions this past few months reading the whitearmor forums, since I am focusing on it since I will be building it first. But, in the meantime I will be aquiring the soft parts I need for mine as well I will update this as I find out the ship date, brown box day and a *first timers* build thread
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