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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by je91

  1. @AradunFF Thanks! Oh yeh? I just assumed that the stitching on the front was screen accurate so just went along with that haha
  2. @AradunFF Thank you! So I had a go at making one of the pouches today using the pattern found here Pretty surprised with how decent it came out. Definitely room for improvement though. I did some things out of order which made it harder but I suspect I'll be making a number of these before I'm satisfied so I think this is a decent place to start from!
  3. Been MIA for a while BUT I finished the helmet, bar the weathering which I'm terrified to do haha. Here's the helmet Next I want to tackle some soft parts to switch up the constant sanding and filler primer-ing lol so I printed out a pattern I found here but I'm a beginner sewer so is there a step my step tutorial posted somewhere? I had a search but mostly it was just "Now I need to to my pouches. And here they are finished" lol if there's anything a little more indepth somewhere that'd be great!
  4. Thanks! Sand and prime, sand and prime, sand and prime 😪 So with the elastic and rivets, does it just pressure fit onto the back armour? Or am I missing something haha I have another question about painting order with the helmet, do I gloss coat the white before painting the black snout area? Then attach decals and then weather?
  5. So I've almost finished the front chest armour I had a question about attaching the tank to the back armour though. I assumed it was just glued on and then the seams puttied over to appear as one piece but looking at images that's definitely not the case lol I've looked a bit through the forums, but is there any tutorial/guide on how to attach it properly? Thanks! I've also purchased gloves from Wampa Wear and a helmet liner from WS
  6. So I finished something...😁 Pretty happy with it! I tried to match it to the reference images in another thread as much as possible. Just painted a silver undercoat and then use liquid latex to do the chipping. Hope I didn't go overboard with the weathering lol So I may have messed up the helmet at some point because the face area is meant to line up with the rest of the helmet right? Somehow mine doesn't. It all lined up before hand and the visor is the same size as the other one so I'm not sure what I've done 😂 I also made the mistake of gluing the visor and face together before I noticed so any tips on separating them would be great haha
  7. I can actually get rid of the print lines pretty fast its more just making the rest of the surface consistent and smooth but always welcome a way to make it faster haha thanks!
  8. So after a few weeks of down time, I finally got the new printer up and running. First thing was to print a new visor, all one piece so hopefully no move issues there. I'm almost finished sanding and getting rid of the print lines so onto the final paint job hopefully today. I tried to print the chest armour piece but need to dial in the printer a little more as the first two tries came loose from the bed. Luckily it was only a couple hours into the print. Not a lot more to be printed before I can start really putting it all together 😀
  9. Thanks! Oh I didn't know about the ear holes. Add that to the list 😅 Thanks! Yep correct. Another thing I'm trying to finish haha
  10. So a pretty big update. I've printed everything except for the chest and back armour and the thermal detonator. I just bought another 3D printer, CR-10 S5. So that'll let me print the chest and back pieces in one go and save a bunch of time. I also had a semi disaster with the visor. I had to split it when I printed it to fit on my printer and when I was attaching it to the main helmet.....it split...in 4 places 😭😂 So once the new printer gets here, I'll reprint it in one piece. I tried to salvage it by re-glueing and hardening it with some epoxy resin, a bunch of filler and sanding but i can see tiny cracks forming when it flexes which cranks my OCD into meltdown so that won't do lol A shame cause it was starting to look pretty good. Also printed @MrPoopie's EC-17 blaster. I did hollow out the scope and insides of the gun with the idea of adding electronics and lenses into the scope eventually. So I think I'll start sanding and priming some of the armour parts while I wait for the new printer.
  11. A little update. Been printing pretty much around the clock. I've done the shoulder bells, biceps, forearms, knees and one hip box. I just bought a CR-10 S5 so that will allow me to print the chest and back armour in one go and not have to slice it up. Added a bit more filler to some parts on the helmet that weren't quite perfect. Once I've given that a sand I'll do another coat of filler primer, sand and hopefully that'll be ready for painting.
  12. Very cool! Are your files for the blaster available anywhere?
  13. @M.J @BikerScout007 Thanks guys! Armour printing has begun.... One piece down....
  14. Hey guys, Recently decided to dive in and build a full scout trooper. Been making various helmets for a while now, just for fun/display but think now is the time to take it further 😂 Helmet and armour will be all 3D printed using Jesus Salmeron's helmet and MrPoopie's files. Soft parts I think I'll try sewing those myself and see where we end up lol For anyone who cares, I'm printing on an Ender 3 mostly at .2 layer height using Hatchbox white PLA. Let me know if you want more details on settings etc Been working (sanding and priming and sanding and priming and sanding and priming) the helmet for a few weeks now lol. Getting very close to being ready to actually paint. I'll be using decals I got from Trooperbay. Will post more once I start printing the armour (currently printing an Ironman helmet for my nephew lol) and once I start painting the helmet. 😊
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