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TK 13679

501st Legion Member
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TK 13679 last won the day on October 24 2015

TK 13679 had the most liked content!


1 Neutral

About TK 13679

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  • 501st Garrison
    Southern California Garrison
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  1. Here is a pic from Celebration of a scout with an optic on his DLT-19. I did not get his name when I took the picture. Maybe he is a member here.
  2. Hello all, I have a Hyperfirm DLT-19 and would like to add a scope to it. This can't be the first time someone has thought of this. Though I searched the forum and did not come up with anything. I was curious how many of you have done this successfully, what your technique was and are you pleased with the results. I know the Hyperfirm has a metal armature at it's core so I'm a little hesitant to start drilling into the top of it without knowing how deep i can go. If any of you have any input on this it would be much appreciated. Thanks so much. Justin
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