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PFD Recruit
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    Queensland, Australia

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  1. thanks for this information. I have a 26 inch head and have been trying to find out if the helmets are going to be big enough before I look at spending the money.
  2. no Wedge 85, I don't know who that is. Where do I find this person? I've been looking at both stormtrooper and scout costumes.
  3. Hi there I've just started trying to join in the fun associated with this community and the scout would be my favourite costume. I've put a similar message out on a few forums but not on here as yet. I've got very large head and one size does not fit all when it comes to me. I've struck out with rt-mod, studio creations, Kropserkel and AP (authentic props). 26 inches is my hat size. I could order a set of armour knowing it would fit me but its no good as the helmet won (unless someone has some ideas?) Thanks
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