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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Nuhaatyc

  1. Not sure if you already got an answer to your question as it's been several months since you posted this. but you are going to want the bund to go up underneath your chest armor. That way while you are trooping you won't have the possibility of your bund slippind down and the undersuit showing between the chest and the bund.
  2. I just attached my tank, my advisor ok'd it with a slightly upward angle. When I wear the armor the tank sits nearly level. If you were to attach it level it might have a downward slope when worn.
  3. I should mention that it is not 100% complete yet, there's still some stuff that needs to be done but its mostly there.
  4. Made my cummerbund based off the pictures above, I have some more pictures that include some of the layup phases. If anybody wants them I would be happy to post.
  5. The cod piece material looks really good, if painted to match the armor I don't see any problems, it has a good texture very similar to what I've seen other troopers use and get approved. I think the color looks good for the patch material, the only problem I can see is the CRL specifically asks for a leather or suede patch.
  6. Any news on approved tan boots being made?
  7. Like these? http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00474W1M0/ref=pd_aw_sim_sbs_309_of_16?ie=UTF8&refRID=0Q2D818T8M9MJQE3AZ8V&th=1&psc=1
  8. Found a boot that I think works, it'll need some labels removed and some dremel work but I'm not sure if the side zippers are ok or not. http://www.sportsmansguide.com/product/index/hq-issue-mens-waterproof-combat-boots-side-zip-desert-tan?a=1580856
  9. Bikerchick includes the correct glove greeblie in her armor kit, I plan on adding it to the wampa wear gloves to make them accurate.
  10. Ill be sure to sand carefully! Thanks for the help!
  11. Hi everyone, I just received my KT kit and started working. When I started cutting out the lense I noticed 2 small "bumps" right above the nose area of the helmet at the bottom of the lense. Are those bumps supposed to be there when the helmet is finished? or are they supposed to be removed? I couldn't see them on any of the reference pictures or on the CRL picture but I noticed that some people still kept them in their product.
  12. I'm thinking of doing something similar to my bucket. What version helmet do you have?
  13. Just ordered my kit, I can't wait to get started! Thanks Susie!
  14. The Wampa Wear Facebook page shows a completed pair of Kashyyyk gloves within the last few weeks. I'm not sure if he is selling them on his site though.
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