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501st Legion (RET)
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About bradyapba

  • Birthday 04/02/1971

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    New England
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. try user chunk
  2. I had the redkap modded by chunk, and the bund made by marcel. My question is cleaning? Ive worn them a few times, and the last few i was pretty sweaty. I have never washed anything that was suede, and I dont want to ruin anything. Any suggestions? Dry clean? Just in my laundry? I want to bund to stay white and nice as long as possible. THen ill just be a dirty scout
  3. i went with an ALT. Its awesome. Highly reccomend.
  4. I have worn a SC,KS, and and the ALT before I bought. The ALT is amazing. But far the best of the 3. I couldnt be happier with it. Get an ALT.
  5. I am 5 10, 230, and the SC armor fits just fine. Its the soft parts that you will need to be worried about fit. Esp the cumberbund.
  6. Last part I need to complete my suit is the Vest. Is anyone making them? Thanks!
  7. That was what I meant, thank you!
  8. so another question that is confusing to me....from the chest back armor part. Chest Armor For 501st approval: Gloss white, semi-gloss or weathered. There is a recessed rectangular area present over the right breast that is painted a medium to dark gray. The chest and back armor join together over the shoulder and the gap covered with a loop of white fabric. The sides of the chest armor are attached to the back armor with white elastic. For level two certification (if applicable): Shoulder bridge straps, attaching the front and back of the armor, are made of white cotton webbing. Not Nylon. [*]Side under arm chest/back straps are made from 50mm (2") white webbing. Optional: Straps may be off-white if using off white pouches/drop box straps. Optional: 50mm white elastic material is acceptable provided the color matches. What it the difference between as listed here... White elastic....White webbing, and white cotton webbing???
  9. that is a great help khazara! edit.. just noticed your list of parts in your sig...thats pretty much my same part list...!
  10. can the rivets be seen? Do they have to be a certain metal?
  11. does anyone have a link to the right kind of rivet gun, and rivets? What is the testors paint for? Besides the boots and vest, where would you use the sewn in velcro? I have the glues and industrial velcro. And thank you everybody!
  12. Thanks F Patrol - I know what Lancer requirements are...what i was asking what I might need to get or buy for the SC kit, to make it Lancer, as I have not recieved it yet....so I figured someone already knew..and I could order up what i might need before the armor arrived. Thanks Griffin - I will do just that!
  13. Does anyone have a list needed? So this is my 1st build of any kind (i have trimmed TK armor but that doesnt count)... And I have started ordering stuff this week... Altmann Helm, Chunks flight Suit, Marcels cumberund and puches, and wampa wear gloves.... After I get paid on friday it will be SC armor, and some boots. I guess that leaves flack vest and gun? So the journey begins...
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