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About Tarrif

  • Birthday 09/01/1977

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    New York City & Baltimore
  • Interests
    Sci-Fi, History, Model Building, Computer Gaming, Table Top Gaming

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  1. Got my soft parts from Steph Mortimer. Gonna weather then and ready to wear this weekend.
  2. Yep. Steph Mortimer is making me one (she’s the one who made them for the show) and I have a few laying around too. I’ve made some adjustments since those photos. What are you thinking in terms of timeframe?
  3. I'll also add that the left sleeve of the flight suits even have the pocket where the comm pad goes. I was wondering if they removed them but nope, they're there. (Edit: I'll come back to this in the morning. Not 100% on it and will take screenshots) Additionally, of the four biker scouts we see none of them have the 0 - 6 rank stripes on their tanks. Also, the pouches are seen tucked under the belt and over the belt in case that was something you were mulling over for the CRL. Another shot of the neck seal. Honestly it looks like the one from Trooper Bay. My 2 cents: the strapping is actually Dritz 3/4" strapping as opposed to 1" strapping. I'll do some measurements tomorrow and see for sure.
  4. He's right. There's clearly a neck seal. Looks like cloth. Timestamp at 3:27 in Ep 8
  5. I'm thinking the same thing. If the flight suit were the outermost garment like in the Imperial Navy Trooper or something it might matter, but there's so much more going on with the Biker Scout that I'm not sure if this should be a deal breaker.
  6. Happy to be of service for the CRL! I'm definitely going to dirty it up more tomorrow, especially the boots. Maybe take some better pictures in natural lighting as well. Let me know when you need the pictures for the individual parts for the CRL.
  7. I'm going to give the left boot another round of weathering. The pouches have to be switched. I wasn't sure if there is a neck seal. Some said yes, others said no. It's really redundant so I probably won't wear it again. The mandarin collar hides it. I need to do another weathering pass on the armor but I think the lighting also hides some of it. Didn't want to over do it. Would love to know how they attached the TD. I did it the ROTJ way but I'd bet they did it differently. I see zip ties in some shots.
  8. A few days ago I decided to start putting together a Imperial Remnant Biker Scout. I have a bunch of stuff laying around so here's what I used... Helmet: Walt's Trooper Factory Armor: Walt's Trooper Factory Boots: Chef's Creations Flight Suit: Wampa Wear (Tie Pilot) Gloves: Wampa Wear Cummerbund: Tye O'dell Balaclava: Amazon Neck Seal: Trooper Bay Blaster: HFX I trimmed and washed the armor then let it dry overnight. It's assorted colors of plastic from old projects (pink, red, white, black) so I did a nice base coat of Montana Gold "Marble" which is just off white. Then I sprayed everything down with Krylon Satin White paint, but let some of the grey show through. While that dried to scrounged up the correct strapping and greeblies. Then I used acrylic "burnt umber" color paint and sea sponges to give it that weathered effect. I used some of the watered down paint to gently weather the cummerbund too. All told there's not much left to do. Still waiting on my P37 large pack and baby Yoda to arrive to complete the kit. I didn't do much in the way of WIP photos but when I build my next one I'll document it more. Things to do: Get P37 Large Pack and assemble it. Reverse the pouches so they are opposite the ROTJ way. Make the cummerbund look even more sloppy. Slightly more weathering on the drop boxes. Add fans to the helmet.
  9. If it helps the armor is from Walt's Trooper Factory and the soft parts (including vests) and boots were made by Steph Mortimer. There's some debate over the helmet. WTF provided helmets but I'm not sure if those are them on screen. Some people have said EFX helmets, and others have said EFX with WTF face plates. Also, in ep. 8 the greeblies for the thermal detonator are reversed. I think this is because you can see they are attached with zip ties to the belt. The belt looks to be a regular canvass belt used by the TK's. You can see it at Ep8 3:19 The weathering makes it stand out. Same time stamp shows one scout with pin-striping on the tank and one without. Same time stamp and you can see they both clearly have vests on. I think there are some "hero" and "stunt" TB's in the series with varying degrees of detail.
  10. It's not on either of the scouts in Episode 7 either.
  11. The armor used on screen is from Walt's Trooper Factory, and the soft parts and boots were done by Steph Mortimer. The helmet I'm not too sure. I've heard EFX, and I've heard it's a mix of EFX and WTF face plate. Great pictures! Not sure if they're the ones used in the show, but general sum and substance matches.
  12. As a follow up, I ordered all my soft parts from Max's Sci-Fi Creation Shop last April and I got them in the mail this week, about 10 months later. I'm not complaining because the quality is good and I had a lot of other builds to do, but I think it's fair for people to understand what the wait time could be.
  13. I think this is what I need. I usually have to buy 7 3/4 hats and cut them in the back to fit. Can someone PM me where I can get an Altmann helmet? Thanks!
  14. I just sent him a msg inquiring about larger helmets. Thanks for the info!
  15. I told him I found another vendor closer to home and at a better price, which is true. I'm patient but it sounds like this guy is bad business.
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