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501st Legion (RET)
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Strider last won the day on February 9 2020

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About Strider


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    Biker Scout

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    Lancer TB
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    Scout Trooper: ROTJ

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  1. It's basically from the same blaster as the RS one but one generation less as RS engraved their logo on their blaster. Otherwise I would assume it should be pretty much identical with the RS one.
  2. Interesting new helmet option. To be honest looks a lot like the RS one to me especially the softness of the tears, the missing bevel edge of the mask and only 7 vents at the back.
  3. If I'd do it again I would make the patch come up a bit higher. This flightsuit is still from my very first costume and I was always to lazy do it again ๐Ÿ˜‰ For the pattern I would put on the suit and the cod piece and then have somebody do the pattern while you're standing. This way you can exactly emulate how it sits on the image from the Star Wars Costumes book. Cheers
  4. Yes, those are the exact ones. I've used them for my builds as well.
  5. Everthing mentioned above is correct...however: For the screen used armor and helmet they used rattle cans and the result does look different to airbrushing which is much finer. But with airbrush you have much more control whereas rattle cans need a bit more practice and it's way easier to overdo it.
  6. You could check out Newimage prop replicas on Facebook. They're offering a fibreglas bikerscout helmet which comes pretty close to the efx.
  7. Outstanding job! I really did not think it would be possible to get this to work but you defied the odds ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ‘
  8. Well, that's an easy fix with an exacto knife ๐Ÿ˜‰ Would love to see a scout blaster cast from an original one day with warts and everything. That 3D scanned blaster is almost a bit too clean for my taste.
  9. Wow, just came across this thread. Awesome to see that comparison. I didn't even know the Praetorian blasters where 3D scanned from an original but after comparing it to my reference images that claim seems legit.
  10. Nope, just thick leather (about 1mm) which was extremly smooth on the surface. Incredibly hard to find though...
  11. Awesome๐Ÿ‘Œ Would love building one myself if I had the space to display it properly
  12. The majority of helmets had 8 vents. The mold had 9 vents but the 9th was cut of in most cases. With this particular helmet the ridge between 8th and 9th was broken leading to one large 8th vent.
  13. I can't see an image in your post but it's fairly straightforward; if you cut out the cloth exactly like the template and use 1cm space to the edged when sewing your results should look like mine ๐Ÿ˜‰
  14. Personally, I would rather build a new helmet from scratch than sanding it down and repainting it ๐Ÿ˜‰ Also you'd need a second set of decals and hope they didn't use super glue for attatching the snout. Using gloss coat could be an option ( when you mask decals and snout) but you would have the risk that the coat and the white paint RS used react with one another...
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