Greets all, I'm the sneaky GML that has random accounts on every detachment that I never use!
Actually I have kind of a general question here. I'm looking to trade out of a Jodo Kast (think Boba Fett with different colors, saved you Googling it) and have been offered a biker.
Still really early in talking with the fellow but I'm wanting to get a feel for what a complete cost estimate of a biker can be. I've heard $1200 as a starting point, but of course that all depends on who made what parts and so on.
I've built a Vader so I know these things can get spendy in a hurry. I'll commit the cardinal sin here and admit I've done 0 research but until a short while ago I'd never considered a biker. I'm just looking for what I suppose the top and bottom ends of the spectrum for cost would be.
Should I decide to pursue the costume further I'm sure i'll have it picked over here before pulling any kind of trigger on a trade but wanted to see what I should be looking for in value of a complete kit.
Thanks and hopefully you all don't hate me too much, but figured I'd better get as wide a swath of answers before I move on anything.