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PFD Recruit
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    Drawing, Cosplay and gaming. Also beer.

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  1. Finding lightweight overalls in black has been a challenge. I have sewing experience from my day job making car seats so Im going to look at machines this weekend and make my own.
  2. Sounds awesome. I scratch made my armour from 5ml acrylic. There is so much going on with that suit I had to attempt making as much as I could. im thinking of tackling the lighter flightsuit myself as well. Actually checked out a local sewing machine store earlier today and been watching sewing vids. Still playing with options. I build seats for cars for a living so could be another avenue to explore. Feel free to pm if you want to exchange notes on that.
  3. I have a Boba also which had to be custom made. Would be great to get that weight of fabric. Mine is ESB. Being white you must be going for Supertrooper?
  4. After spending the last hour researching the dying process Ive come to the conclusion that dying polyester cant be done by mere mortals. Its generally done in factory settings at high temperatures with toxic chemicals. I was looking for the cooler options and this idea may not be a good one, unfortunately.
  5. Thanks for the feedback. Could give this a go. My guess is yes. That way I can use the material for the strap across the collar.
  6. G'day. I was looking for local options for a flight suit and came up with an idea I'd like to get some feedback on. The overalls I found are lightweight 100% cotton by Hard Yakka, which are basically the Aussie version of Dickies. Being lightweight and breathable would be a huge bonus in our climate. They seem to have just the two chest pockets that can be unstitched and probably have access pockets in the side that can be sewn. They also appear fairly fitted which I understand to be a criteria for Lancers. The only large downside I see is that they dont come in black. However it may be possible to get a white one and dye it. Any feedback on whether this could be a good option would be much appreciated. Cheers.
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