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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by pm07

  1. Waiting is the hardest part.
  2. Thanks. I'll, I mean he will give it a shot. ha ha Thanks again!
  3. So, theoretically speaking, how would one remove the greeblie if it has been E6000 on upside down to fix the orientation. Asking for a friend.
  4. Check with SC about a B grade set if he has any available.
  5. FWIW, SC is going to be making larger armor, hopefully in January.
  6. pm07

    Flight Suit

    I'm curious, has anyone tried one of the lightweight Dickies coveralls? I'm wondering if there is any improvement heat wise using a lighter material, if it is indeed lighter that is.
  7. FP, Yeah, my nose is right up against the visor. And My nose isn't that big thank you very much.
  8. Just got one ordered. I'm looking forward to checking it out. It will be my first non customized blaster.
  9. I think helmet wise, I may have to go with Chef's V2. I barely fit my noggin in my Mando bucket as is.
  10. Thanks for the links. I'll drop wookie and issac a line.
  11. I did a search but couldn't find the relevant information. Are most of the makers similar sized as far as measurements? I'm a larger frame guy and was curious since I did not see anything in the CRLs about sizing. Thanks
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