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  1. Sorry, excellent works for me, once again: https://www.facebook...ream?tab=photos or on fb write in search Hi-Tec USA, and look on the pics. That's work for sure buddy.
  2. Hi Fellas, my buddy from Miami add some pics with the Sierras on official fanpage Hi-Tec USA, link below: https://www.facebook.com/HiTecUSA/photos_stream?tab=photos If you interested buying a new Sierra Sneakers shoes to your original costume.... Pls like this (maybe also as a bikerscout.net (here is a lot of scouts in need of new original Sierra shoes, I think), comments, request to resume production Sierra Sneakers Shoes in comments, add some pics, etc. Thanks!
  3. @Forrest Patrol, yup, I have money for new pairs of Sierra's, or new soles Btw, I know that funny movie
  4. @Forest Patrol, I know That tutorial It's really useful, but if I have the opportunity to buy new Sierra sneakers for $150, I buy right away. @Dart, Really already contacted them concerning Sierra sneakers? And what? There is another option, someone who have original Sierra Sneakers make a soles scan in 3D CAD, and maybe our forum friend (CROW62) will perform such soles in several sizes, more in this thread: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=9177&hl=%20sierra%20%20sneakers&st=40 I am curious to what will be the cost of make same soles by Giovanni. There is still the question of the material from which the soles would have to be made and color.
  5. Yeah, I see that almost none of the scouts do not want to have original shoes It's a strange ... I'll buy a few pairs, but with such an order Hi-Tec not resume production
  6. Very nicely cut sole Retrofire
  7. If Hi-Tec resume production of Sierra Sneakers V, I am curious what will be the price of these shoes, Palladium Pampa Hi, costing about $ 65 shoe is made very similarly.
  8. That's nice Howard, thanx, You said him That May be needed even 1,000 pairs of shoes? So, now just finger crossed, and wait for the response from the Hi-Tec.
  9. @wookievader, your boots looks amazing, great job!
  10. @Howard, I believe that you can not give up, you need to look and notify on the collection of signatures people willing to buy shoes at all USA forums about Star Wars, share on Facebook, notify to reconstructions group (Scout troopers, Endor Rebel Soldiers etc), to Star Wars maniacs & fans and everywhere, people willing to buy these badass shoes do not miss I think. 1,000 people are not so much. Better to resume production of Sierra snickers by Hi-Tec. Btw, I know That Endor Rebel Soldiers have these shoes as Arnold in Commando movie and also in other movie I heard, These shoes are great. Do not give up, but you need to connect the forces. I from Europe rather I not make anything in case this shoes, but in the USA you have more opportunities, I suggest you for first, make a questionnaire/market research, how many people are willing to buy these Sierra Sneakers shoes. Remember that nothing is impossible. PS - sorry again for my weak english, I hope guys understand me what I wrote.Thx. Cheers Thomas
  11. @Barry, I may be wrong, (unfortunately I living in europe) but like all the guys from forum bikerscout.net and other forums about Star Wars and reconstructions group posted a petition directly to Hi-Tec company that is order on (for example) a thousand pairs of these shoes, I think that the old injection molds to perform soles Hi-Tec would quickly have found, or they made new injection molds. It's a large profit for the Hi-Tec company I think. My suggestion is, to look for other Star Wars maniacs and collect orders and signatures for the petition which was then sent to Hi-Tec company, if I'm wrong, please correction. Personally, I would be happy to buy a few pairs of these shoes, which I am always looking for. Thx. Cheers Thomas
  12. @Lonewolf Hi, what now with this sole?
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