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About keithw

  • Birthday 06/12/1989

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    Halifax, NS

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  1. Thanks everyone, and Darth I saw your video of the durability test for the blaster but wasn't sure how best to get in touch with you, now I do. *with this post i will also be able to view the trade section and that link now*
  2. I've been looking for a while for a good lancer quality blaster kit (I enjoy the DIY aspect of costuming whenever I can). Now I found one on eBay for about a day, apparently it wasn't around long, when I went back to it, it was gone (the guy doesn't seem to be a regular seller). Now I don't have access to a 3D printer so that option is off the board, but I was hoping someone here might know of a good quality kit producer who is either in Canada or ships to Canada for a reasonable price. All help is welcome and appreciated. Thanks in advance and Troop on.
  3. Just read through this entire build and terry you and your mods are brilliant. When I eventually get my SC kit this will be my bible. I am new to the pathfinders but I still see you have done a great service to the empire. Keep up the great work, and to you and your family, Troop on!
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