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501st Pathfinder
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About Swift234

  • Birthday 10/19/1976

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Rancho Cucamonga, CA
  • Interests
    Star Wars, Gaming, Football, and keeping up with all of my son's sports.

501st Information

  • Name
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Southern California
  • 501st Profile Page
  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Scout Trooper: ROTJ

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108 profile views
  1. Greetings! I appreciate your consideration for Lancer status. Helmet: Studio Creations Helmet snout: Darth Voorhees Chest, back, tank, shoulder bells, belt, forearms, biceps, knees, thermal detonator and Bicep T-Bits - Studio Creations Cummberbun - Chris Ruiz, Chrisx909x Blaster - Darth Voorhees, rubber Flakvest, and flight suit - Max's Sci-Fi Creation Shop Boots - Myself Gloves - WampaWear MVIMG_20190721_143958 by chav234, on Flickr MVIMG_20190721_144003 by chav234, on Flickr MVIMG_20190721_143746 by chav234, on Flickr MVIMG_20190721_143809 by chav234, on Flickr MVIMG_20190721_143928 by chav234, on Flickr MVIMG_20190721_144128 by chav234, on Flickr MVIMG_20190721_144032 by chav234, on Flickr MVIMG_20190721_144025 by chav234, on Flickr MVIMG_20190721_144011 by chav234, on Flickr MVIMG_20190721_143802 by chav234, on Flickr MVIMG_20190721_143932 by chav234, on Flickr MVIMG_20190721_143745 by chav234, on Flickr MVIMG_20190721_143737 by chav234, on Flickr MVIMG_20190721_143722 by chav234, on Flickr
  2. Thanks for the input. I will be tweaking it a bit since i have to adjust the bund size. It kept slipping down... Theboots i will look at as well.thanks again!
  3. Thanks again Strider... I wasnt using the app before and I am now. Much easier!
  4. Not too sure about getting the img thing to work. It only pastes the text of the picture...
  5. So here is thw lonk to al of the pics that wouldn't load. Thanks for the heads up Strider... http://i1079.photobucket.com/albums/w511/Chav234/Mobile%20Uploads/20160903_191906-1_zps9vykl1pk.jpg
  6. Ok. I will do that. Thanks Sent from my LG-D801 using Tapatalk
  7. I cant seem to load any other pictures on here, even though they are smaller thank the max allowed. Can someone help me out?
  8. So here's my build, finally done, but i know it still needs a little tweeking here and there. I lost a few lbs. since i took the bund measurements so its a little big, but not a hard fix. Just want to give a huge thanks to Mickey (Bikerscout007) for all of his advice, and props to everyone that I ordered from: Max's = flightsuit Chunk = bund, pouches and vest Boots = all me... KS = Helmet SC = Armor Wampa wear = Gloves DVH = snout & blaster Now I guess I just wait to hear back on my application right? If you know please let me know, as I'm hoping to have approval so I can make it to LBCC. Thanks for any and all advice and/or constructive critisism.... - Joe
  9. Awesome!! Great Job!
  10. Gotcha. Almost there... Sent from my LG-D801 using Tapatalk
  11. How would we look that up?
  12. Congrats Cheyenne!!!! Nice Work!
  13. If you have any questions let me know, and i will help as best i can. Im sure you'll do fine! Sent from my LG-D801 using Tapatalk
  14. Im sure you will! Sent from my LG-D801 using Tapatalk
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