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About Correia13

  • Birthday 08/25/1992

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    JB MDL New Jersey

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  1. Following this for sure, looks great so far. Can't wait to see the finished product
  2. Anyone got some good tips on how they clean their flight suits that have real suede attached to them? Google is a good source, but first hand encounters help better.
  3. Thanks for that, me and my wife were budgeting trying to figure out if we should give making the flight suit ourselves or buy it from someone who know what they are doing. You re assured me on what I was thinking, especially when trying to go lancer. Might as well get the real thing made for me first time around, then when o have time and some more money if I wanted to attempt my skills at creating one myself there'd be no harm done, as I'd already have my costume done.
  4. Ok, so I'm definitley going to go for the real stuff, for lancer. My worry is how you keep it ckean, being real suede I know it's not machine washable, so how do clean yours.
  5. Ok I sent max a pm. Thanks
  6. I'll head that way for sure
  7. Aircrewman for me.
  8. No thank you for your service, and I know the feeling. My rate is strictly on a rotational 2-3 months out and 1-2 months in. Small world though.
  9. yea sorry, I know in the spirit of it I should make it myself. But honestly, I'm in the Navy, seen more deployments than my actual family. now that I'm home my time set allows me to see my family. I would love to actually sew it myself, but the skills required in that are harder than I thought they would be to learn. I don't want to waste any more money on attempts, might as well buy good quality stuff and save money and time.
  10. So I have no skills when it comes to sewing. so making my own soft parts is out of the question. anyone know a good place to buy the soft parts. specifically a vest and a cummerbund. any help would be appreciated. thank you.
  11. anyone know where I can get a good vest and cummerbund?
  12. Awesome info, thank you
  13. Ok, I will lean towards SC then. And the redcaps look awesome, besides removing all the pockets, what other alterations would be needed for that.
  14. Hello all, I am getting really close to buying a complete set. I just want to make sure it's good, meaning lancer in the future. I have narrowed down to SC and KS. Those are both decently affordable and don't have too bad of a turnaround time. My gloves I would be getting from WW. Boots I don't have the skill to make myself, so I will be buying directly from EB, then cutting the notches in myself. The only thing I cannot find is the vest and the flightsuit. KS seems to offer a decent Cumberbund. any corrections you can make or guide me in the right direction would be appreciated. thank you in advance.
  15. Hello all, definitely new at all this. I've come across two sets that I am thinking about purchasing. between the one SC offers and KS. KS says theirs is lancer approved, and for the price it better be lol, but in all seriousness does anyone know about the KS armor compared to the SC. Thank you in advance.
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