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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by SomeGuy01

  1. Wow the cod is a lot larger than I thought. This definitely helps. Thanks.
  2. Bit the bullet and joined this club. It's my first build so will be on this thread a lot.
  3. Thanks, Mickey, that's a good read. I think I'm going to try the full length shirt for the flak vest and attach it with velcro to the cod. It all gets hidden underneath the bund so no big deal, right? From those reference pictures it looks like the cod is more of a diamond shape, an odd hexagon.
  4. I have seen a few mentions of this but haven't seen any thread or real discussion. I was hoping to do it this way because it seems to be the more accurate, and more comfortable way of doing it. Does anybody have any information on how this goes together? I think I read somewhere the cod would attach to the vest? Thanks, guys. (Seriously though I love how helpful and kind everyone is and it makes me all the more excited to be part of this community.)
  5. I just received my Wampa Wear gloves and I am so surprised! I got the XL according to the sizing chart and they fit absolutely perfectly. Not to mention are very comfortable. Does anyone know what the little zipper pocket on the end of the gauntlet is for? Just a hidey hole or what?
  6. Just went and got my duck canvas, vinyl, plain black shirt, and some elastic. They didn't have much for velcro.... Then I got home and ordered the suede, boots, and armor. Going to be an exciting spring!
  7. I think just about everybody here wants one of these, haha. Looking forward to progress.
  8. I'm sure I'll be extremely happy with which ever I choose. I was just thinking it would be cool to be a tad different than most other scouts with the new kit on the block
  9. Ahhh I don't know if I should go with SC armor or pre order the WTF armor... Decisions are hard.
  10. I first ordered a 40 regular and the body was way too short, too. I got a 40 Long, just arrived today and am typing this wearing it It fits great. So, yeah, the Long should work out.
  11. I always thought long sizes were for longer arms and legs, not a longer torso. I suppose I'll try the long, thanks guys.
  12. Well got my RedKap for Christmas but it was one size too small.... The arms and legs were right but the torso was way too short. Oh well, a little bit more waiting.
  13. From everything I've gathered, steer clear of eBay and other non vetted vendors. Just check out the corresponding 501st forum and see their list and you'll be all good.
  14. I only see a BARC armor kit there. The TB helmet kit looks like one of those bad one everyone warns against.
  15. I was thinking of putting some hook velcro in there and using something like a bicycle helmet foam liner. Anybody have experience and opinions on either foam padding or hard hat liners? Like which they prefer and why.
  16. I got a box today! My wife told me not to open it and wait until Christmas but I couldn't wait.
  17. Going to start off with the jump suit and boots. I was wondering though, how do you guys lace up the boots? It doesn't look like it works with the vinyl there, unless you fold it down I guess.
  18. Hahaha. I wouldn't be the first or probably the last hairy Leia out there.
  19. Well I've been doing some more research and figuring stuff out. I'm going to have to do this guy piece meal and over some time, unfortunately, but I'll try to keep you guys posted of my status. Oh well for Ep 7.
  20. Thanks guys. Looked up SC armor, saw a bunch of instructions and stuff. I think the helmet assembly might be out of my skill set but the armor probably not. Also, my wife sews nicely so that should help. Any suggestions on order of assembly? I was thinking do soft bits first and then go for the armor.
  21. Hey guys, been looking at costuming and thinking how fun it would be. Scouts have always been one of my favorite troops so I figured that would be my first choice. I've been reading around through other people's threads and soaking up the information I can find but I couldn't find everything I was wondering. I don't have any real hands on experience with assembling stuff like this, just your regular around the house kind of stuff. Also I don't have any specialised tools and see things like rivet guns, etc. that make it seem intimidating. I guess I'm mostly afraid of ruining a kit before it even gets close to completion. Another thing is I'm unsure if I would fit into some helmets or armor, I seem to be a big bigger than a lot of you guys. I'm about 5'9" and 200 lbs. Hats seem to fit snug on me so I think my head may be a little bigger. I suppose my main fear is either I'll jump into it just to find out I can't do it or it won't even work for me. So, what do you guys think? Is it pretty difficult for a newbie? Could I make a suit that fits and looks proper? Thanks.
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