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Dao Jones

PFD Recruit
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About Dao Jones

  • Birthday 04/04/1975

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  1. If you measured your hand correctly, then you definitely shouldn't go any smaller than Large. These gloves' sizing is on the small side; as I said previously in this thread I sized at the top end of Medium, and my Medium gloves fit very snugly. These gloves are pretty popular; if you buy a size and it doesn't fit, you could probably sell them here or on eBay and recoup most of your cost.
  2. Their website is pretty... basic, but I ordered from there a few months ago and haven't had any problems in terms of receiving the gloves or any dodgy stuff on my bank account. Also: I ordered Medium gloves, so they definitely restock those; seems like you just hit a bad window.
  3. I hear you. And I'll add that the medium WW for me is *just barely* fitting in that category, as well.
  4. Bumping this post to see if anyone found anything new in this area. I received this flight suit yesterday, and while it definitely looks the part, it's... really heavy. Best I can describe, its between sailcloth (as in "sails on a ship" canvas), and something I'd cover a car with. And it has zero breathability. It felt stuffy just wearing it around my HVAC'd house. I can't imagine wearing this under a cummerbund, armor, and with my feet, hands, and head covered up; especially not in weather above 70 degrees. So I'm just wondering how troopers in the warmer climates manage this. Did you find something lighter weight, or some other trick to make heavier stuff manageable?
  5. WW is definitely on the snug side. I measured at 8in (which according to their sizing guide is a medium), and while they fit fine there's basically no room to wiggle. As they stretch they'll probably end up feeling perfect, but only just. If you buy from them, I'd agree with others that you should err on the side of slightly larger if you have longer fingers, or come in just on the high side of a fitting range.
  6. Well, that's excellent news. (Especially for those of us with helmets on order.)
  7. Was looking around for alternatives to the traditional Red Kap offering, and saw this on eBay: New Adult SFI 3.2a/1 Certified Single Layer Racing Jumpsuit http://www.ebay.com/...00AAOSwYlJW4yLC Link is to the medium, but they seem to have all sizes from small to XXL. I can't tell if the material is slightly iridescent from the picture, but it otherwise looks like a pretty good option. Has the collar, and only one patch and two epaulets to remove. Plus, it looks like it's a slightly snugger fit than a Red Kap, so less bagginess. And hey - as an added bonus you'll be mildly flame retardant. What do y'all think? Bit more expensive, but a solid alternative?
  8. Already PM'd him a few days back. Thanks again all for the solid advice.
  9. Awesome. Thank you gents for the good advice. I'll keep looking for helmet options, as a lot of the popular ones seem like things you have to hope randomly pop up for sale. And now, as I believe this is post #5 for me, I shall see what new doors just opened up to me.
  10. Pardon the double post, but I see I missed a new comment. (And I need to get to five anyway!) Ah. I had read that thread, and didn't make the connection that it was the same person. Thanks for the warning! Shame, though, because it would be great to have a place that could just crank all of those parts out for me. I know SC does a great armor kit (which is on my list of potential buys), but I wasn't sure where I'd get the rest from without having to meticulously tweak it all myself (a skill both my wife and I lack, sadly).
  11. Well then. Can you humor me, and point out some of the issues with, say, the NI helmet? Not that I'm disagreeing with you (far be it from me to argue with the XO! ), but I'm trying to educate myself on what to look out for, and I thought that the NI helmet looked like it passed muster. Newimage: vs OG: For example: - Side bolts are flat and grey - Visor appears to have the right shape and contours - No mesh in the ears - Mouthplate looks to be the right proportion, and the molding isn't cheap looking or full of flash To me, it actually looks a lot better than the SC helmet, and definitely miles better than Rubies. But I know I'm new at this, so I'm looking to educate myself here on the little details you know by heart, and I need to learn! I recall reading some where that five posts gets me to a "trade forum", so perhaps it's a matter of just waiting for that access, and seeing what else is available out there. Cheers!
  12. Hey folks. New guy here. Two recent events have moved me closer from "hey - it'd be totally cool to build my own Scout armor some day..." to "I'm actually going to do this madness", and I'd appreciate the insight of you seasoned folks before I start laying down money. First, the drop in the Pound thanks to the Brexit has me rethinking the Newimage58 helmet: http://www.newimage5...biker%20v2.html A lot of the grievances I've seen here about his build are fairly old, and look to be based on the V1 helmet. From what I can tell (by looking at comparisons against screen helmets with my inexperienced eye) the new V2 seems to be quite close to the OG helmet. And at ~$285, that's cheaper than it's ever been, and much cheaper than any other assembled helmet I've seen. So, question #1: does anyone have any experience with the new NI helmet? If so, is it worth buying, or is there a better option out there for the money? Second, the appearance of "KriptonTop" on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com...ref=shop_review They seem to offer a LOT of the items that made me nervous about trying to build a suit. (Namely, all of that soft stuff that requires the kind of patience and creativity I simply lack. ) Again, though - I may not have the experience to scrutinize the work they do to see if it's truly "good enough" to pass muster. And I haven't seen anything here about them as a vendor. Question #2: what do y'all think? Does that stuff look like a good foundation for a suit? Thanks in advance!
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