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About Skethra

  • Birthday 12/17/1969

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  • Location
    Cornwall United Kingdom
  • Interests
    All things star wars. Viking re-enactment. Air soft/milsim.

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  1. I'm selling my cummerbund and pouches if you are intrested.
  2. Yeah.
  3. There we go coments please.
  4. Picture not coming up the boots are meindl desert army boots.
  5. Would these be any good.
  6. Cheers thanks mate.
  7. Yeah those are the ones.
  8. Hi all. I'm looking at some imperial line officer gloves to use as gloves. Are these ok to use or is there some recommended ones.
  9. Will be ordering one on his next run. Nicky priced as well.
  10. Cool thanks will have a look.
  11. Ok cheers.
  12. Looking into using a dc-15a blaster rifle or sniper rifle are there any recommendations for these. where best to buy them aswell.
  13. What colour boots are acceptable ie:- beige, tan or brown.
  14. Thought so but just wanted to ask anyway. Thanks.
  15. How about these danner army boots.
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