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About Icebear

  • Birthday 01/01/1973

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    Vancouver, BC, Canada

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  • 501st Garrison
    Outer Rim Garrison
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  1. OK, after weeks of bugging MrPoopie (thanks for your patience and dilligence!), I'm happy to start sharing my build thread. I've been printing all the pieces off at the scale MrPoopie designed everything in, so I can take measurements and scale up to fit my frame. Any pieces you see in blue are exactly that... original scale items that I wasn't expecting to fit me correctly. Much more 3D printing to come (over 40 pieces total), but I'm about to start a new job, so I'll be doing parts in batches. More details to come! See something I'm doing wrong? Please let me know! See something you're wondering about? Please let me know! Got a good recipe for Porg chops? Please let me know!
  2. I encountered one snag with the models (and I'm still assembling parts, so it may not actually be a snag)... the blaster seems to be about 1/8" too big (top to bottom) to fit in the holster. I'll be welding parts together tomorrow, and will check then, and get back to you. I'm about to start up my build thread... should be up shortly.
  3. You, sir, are my personal hero right now. I've got all the files now, and am printing them out as quickly as I can. I really should start a build thread for this...
  4. woo Hoo HOO! My blaster has been printing all day, and should be finished around 5 or 6 am. I'll start posting pics soon... right now I'm just printing the pieces as you provided them, so I can gauge how much I need to resize them. Most are fitting a little snug, but the belt needs a significant resize to fit my frame. The owners of the Maker Space in my home town are all impressed with the work you've done, too.
  5. Did you upload the chest piece somewhere? I haven't been able to find it yet. I've got almost everything else printed out and they look great! The only piece I'll have to scale more than a bit is the belt, but that's only because I'm a bigger trooper through the middle.
  6. This is amazing, and it's coming at the perfect time for me... we just had a maker space opened in my home town! Can you tell us what body size this model is based on, for scaling?
  7. Amazing work! Thanks for all the effort you're putting into this.
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