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501st Legion (RET)
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indylead last won the day on January 27 2016

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About indylead

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  • Trooping Award Badge
    10+ TB
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  • Location
    Toulouse, France
  • Interests
    Biking, reading, Lego, Raspberry Pi

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  • 501st Garrison
    French Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Scout Trooper: ROTJ

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  1. Another vote for Alt. It was one of the reasons I looked for one (that, plus I have a big head!). Somewhere on here was a thread or two discussing the sizes; someone had collected some numbers, if that helps. That was what I used to make the decision. One issue with glasses is the fogging - but there are other threads on that
  2. Ooops....got caught up with trooping and other projects and never reported back to this. After a year of trooping with the longer redkapp suit - much, much better. Much less tight over the knee and crotch when I crouch down, and far more comfortable. Also of note...double-ended zip. This is the best thing ever to wind up your fellow TKs as the (male) Scouts can visit the toilet without having to take anything off I also didn't need to do too many mods on the suit. The legs were a little tighter so didn't need to be changed; the rest was pretty much as normal. Don't over-estimate the ability to crouch down to get on a level with kids. We're a little less scary that way, plus I can sit the ewok (Number One Suspect) on my knee next to them - he's a huge hit. Only downside is it's hard standing up again later in the day
  3. I've been using a motorcycle visor spray on both the visor and my glasses and it works a treat. Hint - do NOT let your TK friends borrow it to use - it dissolves the green coating on their visor. I've put a small fan in the snout, blowing air downwards when I'm trooping in cold weather -- this way moves my breath out of the helmet rather than into the front of the helmet. In hot weather I reverse it to blow the air up over my head instead to keep me a little cooler.
  4. I added a 3D printer fan to my helmet, run off a 9V battery. It was more to keep the visor and my glasses from steaming up; I've orientated it to send my breath downwards out of the helmet. However...given the size of it (2" x 2" x 3/4") it would probably fit elsewhere in the helmet (buckets of space...pun intended) to move air around to cool you.
  5. New redkap long received and initial signs are it'll be just fine. Will report back once I've finished modding it. Thanks, everyone.
  6. This was the last thing I did on my costume as it was pretty daunting. I did manage to do it without undoing any seams or special sewing machine attachments. I had a two-piece patch, one at at time. I used lots and lots of pins to keep it in place. Then added more pins. DO NOT FORGET THE ELASTIC STRAPS Then more pins. Just to be sure. Then just go very slowly, very carefully. It's tricky, for sure, but I did get there eventually. Of course, I now get to do it all again as I'm changing my flight suit. Yay.
  7. I suspect most of us are far to old that parcels should be exciting....and yet we've all been there Good luck with the build!
  8. I was thinking of a screw-on end - but the elastic would be easier with the caribina as a backup.
  9. Cheers, Oblivion. Not sure I would trust my house and bike keys to a push-in end
  10. Welcome, ScoutAdept. With enough sponge padding or a hard-hat liner I would have thought you could make any bucket fit. I think some people have used motorcycle helmet liners, too, although from experience that would be far too hot for me. You get used to the weight - people still think my motorcycle helmets are heavy, but I don't notice it - and Scout buckets are a *lot* lighter!
  11. I like the sound of that, Oblivian - any more info/photos?
  12. Glad I read this as I've just upgraded to the red kap and after the first troop with no pockets wondered what I was going to do with my keys (pouches are removable and whilst fairly firmly attached with two press studs, having my phone, house and bike keys in there made me nervous!).
  13. LOL I thought that might happen with the riveter...but not yet. I do however have some very neatly arranged computer cables as *someone* had a shedload of velcro left over.
  14. I have an Altmans with a 3D printer fan in the snout - keeps the visor clear and cools my face. I'll add a second once summer arrives. It's very quite, even after moving from a 6V set up with AA batteries to the 9V. Not expensive, and plenty of room in the helmet for the battery pack (9V switched holder) in the bulge at the bottem of thh helmet. I do need to work out the best way of working it with the mic I just bought - the mic does pick up the fan noise. I think I just need to play with the locations. I've tried a throat mic but can't get it to work at all for me.
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