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  1. I have been waiting 2 months for a KS helmet and have heard nothing from them. If I don't hear from them by Tuesday, September 22, I will be canceling the order and demanding my money back. I sent Brenda an email today with my intentions.
  2. That is a very innovative idea. I always hated round laces. I'll give it a go, Thanks!
  3. Sorry I have been so quiet. Work has been killing me. Really bad virus outbreak and users that kept re-infecting the network by doing exactly what we told them not to do. Oh well. Can't buy the toys without the job. I have the started on my boots but I have a question. The vinyl kind of bunches up where the laces start. Do I need to keep stretching it, or will the glue hold it down, and will the dog bone piece cover that spot anyway? As it stands, I have the following pieces: SC armor (Still in the box. Don't want to be distracted till boots are done - I did open it and it looks awesome) Gloves, Flight suit Balaclava Boots (Not finished as you can see) Waiting on: Bucket Pistol Still to get (I will be ordering them soon): Flak vest Cumber bund and Codpiece
  4. Thanks stasz. I figure if I can do the boots right, I should be able to handle the rest. Of course, My SC armor arrived today so now I have so much stuff to look at! I resealed the armor box to bring it home. I think I will keep it that way until I am done the boots. No distractions. edit: I got a rivet tool from Harbor Freight today.
  5. Glad to know that now, Thanks!
  6. No Giddyup, For this I am taking my time and doing my best to get it right. Off to play SWTOR.
  7. I started this by getting the wrong base boot. I have throttled back and now I think I am ready to start. Thanks to stasz for the advice. The original post can be found here: http://forum.bikersc...showtopic=13818 Here is the first pic of parts, materials and tools (minus the rivet hand tool I will get tomorrow)
  8. Greetings all, Here is a cut and paste of the original parts list I posted in the wrong place: List of parts ordered so far: SC Armor KS Helmet KS Pistol (After I bought it, I found one that looks better but if that is the only mistake I make, I will be happy.) Red Kap men's black twill action black coverall (It's to big, going to exchange it.) Correct gloves Lugz Men's Drifter Fashion Boot (Should be easy to modify the heel) Next to order (I already have a nice lady lined up who will make them): Flak vest Cumber bund and Codpiece Need: White vinyl Glue Rivet gun and rivets Dremel and new x-acto knives Lots of other stuff An abundance of patience. I plan on getting as close to level two certification (Lancer) as I can on this first build. I'll post as I make progress! Here is a copy and paste of the update on my local Garrison's Imperial Academy forum: No joy on the boots. The sole is actually two-tone despite what the Amazon picture lead me to believe. Turns out I can get a pair at k-mart for 20 bucks that match the movie originals better and they are in stock locally. I'll get them in a day or two when work slows down. On the upside, I didn't have a nice pair of brown boots...I do now, and I got them at half price! I looked through all of my balaclavas and they were fleece or some other winter material so I just received this: http://www.amazon.co...i_detailpages00 and it is awesome. very thin and all season rated. I also found a place a few miles away that stocks the Red Kap men's black twill action black coverall. I think I will go try one on before I exchange the one that is to big. It's progress and that is all that matters. As soon as more stuff starts rolling in, I will start posting pics. CAC
  9. Yea, the soles are not very soft. I have a feeling it would be a hack and slash affair with a hobby knife. I chose them because the original pic looked good and they had real suede uppers. Looking back, the upper material makes no difference because I am covering them in vinyl (not the most breathable material). At least I have a nice set of brown work boots that I got for half price on prime day! A local k-mart has the http://www.kmart.com/texas-steer-men-s-kmax2-5inch-wheat-work-boot/p-035VA74213912P?prdNo=2&blockNo=2&blockType=G2 boots in stock so I will take a look at them in the next couple days. Plus, if I destroy a $20 pair of boots getting the sole and vinyl correct, I can get another pair and do it right the second time.
  10. Well, the picture on amazon looked great. The top bead and stitching were a little lighter but that gets covered up with vinyl anyway: Here is what I got: Not so easy to cover that up. So I guess I can't use these for Lancer boots. I won't be heart broken if they can't (Nice boots and I don't have a brown pair anyway). I just don't want to put the time into these if they won't make the cut. Let me know that you guys think. Thanks!
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