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About Eagleskull

  • Birthday 02/09/1988

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    San Diego, Cali

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  • 501st Garrison
    Imperial Sands Garrison
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  1. Aye, ill see if I can do that this weekend. 😁
  2. No apologies please, its all to help me and I apprentice it because in the end it not only help me but my GML to be able to approve me faster 😃 Would it be possible to get a measurement of the shaft? Keep in mind my knees are not fully secured and did drop as I walked to pose for this picture lol but I want to make sure if im a good ballpark if they are too long. I heard about attaching them to the bund, since i need to pull in the bund since its still a lil loose ill definitely attach them during that sewing process. Thank you Adriel
  3. Just like a bad penny, i always turn up haha So, returning to the journey to finish my Scout, a few weekend ago I did a dry fit(Need to redo strapping and velcro some armor pieces to my jumpsuit like the knees so they don't sag) just to see how I look in it and I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. What I still need to do, is get a flak vest, add suede patches and get my boot holster attached.
  4. It has been a while since I've updated but finally seeing the finish line. Going to be at an armor party this weekend so going to get some pointers for the jumpsuit patches which has been the part I've been holding off. Other than some little fixes here and there its almost ready for fittings.
  5. Bought it a few years back, the maker is Far Away Creation. Ill see if i can remove it, if not ill just get a new tank.
  6. So, I just saw this and was curious, my tank has this and its lights up. Should I try to remove it or will it be okay for basic?
  7. Thank you Chopper, Ill have to contact this person to see if they make them and its help that hes local. But my dumb butt realized I had the name in the first post and it was Cheeswhoopy, its a bummer that I cant find the vendor thread though.
  8. Hey everyone, Its been a little over a year on working on this project and I think its time to get it off the back burner. One thing I was wondering if y'all can help me, I remember there a fellow member that used to make cummerbunds but for the life of me I cant find the thread nor remember the name of said maker. If anyone can help me out, I thank you. -Adriel
  9. You know what I think it was, I added chicago screws instead of rivets so it was making the clips "float" vs being in place so ill get some rivets this weekend and see how it holds up. Thank you @Retrofire i'll have to PM MonCal later this week to see if I can order one since I still don't have one yet Hopefully this weekend Ill also get to work on the cummerbund and get more progress pictures up.
  10. Its been a hot minute since i've working on this but i'm coming back to this project and have a quick question if anyone can help out. What belt clips would you recommend for the thermal detonator? The one i received with my armor were too long and the replacements i bought just doesn't fit right and hard to place. Thank you in advance for the help. -Adriel
  11. Im actually working on this at the moment, would anyone have a good picture of their belt with the sew on method? Thank you.
  12. Amazing work!!! Been thinking of making my own and this is great inspiration.
  13. Since I've restarted this project I making changes to hopefully get close to Lancer as possible, the only thing Im a little nervous to do is add the extra details to my boot. But so far, i've changed the strap system to my shoulder to chest, I had the typical T-shaped attachments before I went to zip tie with the tutorial provided on the forum. The one question I have is if my shoulder are rounded enough for the Lancer CRL?
  14. Hello Pathfinders! So it has been a while since I've been able to work on my Scout trooper and since I got time with everything going on and an hiatus on work I might as well start a new thread instead of necroposting my post from 2017 lol Going to list what I had before and then update on parts that I have upgraded though out the years. -Helmet: Don Post that I heavily modified.[I have now purchased a new helmet, maker unknown, closer to SA] -Armor: MonCal missing the pistol holster so hopefully be able to find one on the forums.[Still need to find a holster for my hold out haha] -Gloves: Wampa Wear -Jumpsuit: Modified jumpsuit(WIP) -Boots: Works boots from Walmart that I will build up(WIP)[Ended up purchasing some Cheesewhoopy boots from a garrison member] -Cummerbund and Vest: Need to do research and sew up myself. -Sidearm: Hyperfirm. Will post more progress pictures soon but for now here is a sweet picture of my new helmet with weathering. 😁 -Adriel
  15. Awesome. Thanks you for the clarification. I'll have to go back and add more length to the side straps to add room for when I make the vest.
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