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About DarthDadio

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    Irving, TX

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    Star Garrison
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  1. As of this morning I have a lot of pieces waiting to be sanded after a coat of primer/filler. This picture shows the plasti-dip coating on the inside of the kidney plate. Can't wait to start the final coloring.
  2. Just in case it matters, I have 3 3D printers: a Wanhao Duplicator 6, and two Creality CR-10s. Really helps being able to crank out more than one piece at a time.
  3. I've been working on my Shoretrooper for a bit now and it is really starting to come together. I have all of the major pieces printed off and almost fully assembled. Once assembled, I fill the gaps, spray on a gray primer/filler coat or two, and then finish off with a layer of black primer. On the larger assembled pieces I'm coating the inside with plasti-dip to hold everything together. Next step should be to mask off the black areas and apply the final layer of paint (aside from wear and tear detailing). Comments are welcome. To me the best part is the build process.
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