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Everything posted by CFLStarWarsDad

  1. Here is a HI RES image of the forearm piece from the Hollywood Studios Florida Display piece http://clients.sophi...71188#h9da710e5
  2. Apologies for taking so long to get these done -- been wanting to get back to DHS for quite some months. I haven't changed the contrast or exposure on these for fear of altering the color balance. As shot, the colors are pretty accurate to what I saw with my naked Eye. I will bump the exposure a bit in a second set to bring some details out of the shadows. Grateful for the opportunity to serve. Images are free to download and examine as you see fit. Link to gallery: http://clients.sophi....com/p715041040 Sample Image (smaller for upload restrictions here):
  3. My question is this --- What is the cost of the raw material used in the printing process, based on how you chose to print it and the material your printer uses?
  4. Have you begun your build thread yet? Im ready to learn!
  5. (REPRINTED FROM MAKAZE SQUAD FORUM) As someone dyed in the wool SW and now firmly committed to participating in this lifestyle, I am having a little trouble navigating effectively the raw information available online. If someone wanted to go to a Makaze non-trooping gathering/meeting/armor party, where would one find that information (calendar of events, locations, points of contact, registration info, etc) ? If someone wanted to venture down the path of a Scout Trooper and Kashyyyk Trooper, who would be the best first point of contact in the Central Florida Area? Now that Central Florida is announced as the location for SW Celebration next April, where can I find information on coordinated activities and events for Makaze Members? If someone like myself currently at the tadpole end of the spectrum desires to be legal/official to troop at next April's event, is there a plan in place to assist new potential members in achieving that goal? Thank you in advance from someone who may be new to this, but is not new to SW. Nick Sr and Nick Jr
  6. Clearly troopers come on all size and shapes ---and that then translates to an infinite number of adjustments and alterations needed to the individual pieces of these complex suits. I wish to learn from those who came before me.... as I clearly am too short for a stormtrooper. I believe it would be ultimately very helpful to connect with those amongst us who are most similar in body shape and stature, as the details of the aforementioned alterations will help quite a bit. My goal is to troop in my own hometown of Orlando at Star Wars Celebration in 2017. At least, thats my goal. To that end, if you are similar in build, I need to connect with you: 5'4" - 5'5" , 29" inseam, 34 waist.
  7. I wondering with the advent of better hot weather materials whether or not an updating to the soft armor CRL wouldn't be appropriate, given someone willing to explore updated textiles?
  8. is there no current "shopping list" of suppliers ?
  9. So I have read a few consistent "standards" for the blouse ( shirt ) -- DRM camo, 100% cotton, not ripstop, not windproof. Perusing the internet -- I see this: am I on the right track? British Desert Camouflage Field Shirt http://www.militaryc...&ad=75080675429 British Desert Field Shirt Great European Military Item Genuine European Surplus Big & Tall Sizes !! 100% Cotton Each Shirt has British Flag Patch as Pictured British Army DPM Desert Camouflage 2 Slanted Chest Pockets with Buttons Practical Pen Holder in Interior of Pocket Buttoned Storm Flap and Front Zip Adjustable Buttoned Cuffs All Buttons are Sewn with Cloth Band Buttoned Rank Tabs New, Unissued Military Surplus Excellent Price Made to British Specifications known as DPM
  10. can I just ask this question.. and I am certainly no Kashyyyk expert by any stretch of the imagination --- the CRL published as official and approved shows coloring and patterns in both the undergarments and the armor which are a significant deviation from everything I've seen in the screen grabs and 3d models. To me, the on screen color palette has much less tan and brown and a lot more grey and greenish-grey colors. I am seriously gathering the data needed to start my very first build and I want to do things the right way from the beginning.....
  11. I know this is an older topic, but I'm still coming around to the realization that in Florida cooling is going to be a big build topic as I narrow down my options for my first build. I believe that my son and I have identified Scout Trooper / Kashyyyk as the most likely path for our first builds. Le m ask this R&D question- if you were going to spend the summer mocking up and developing cooling for the SC bucket, what would be the LEAST expensive route to obtain a helmet that could be used to mock up such systems?
  12. I think you are correct -- looked up a picture of them and that matches what i saw in the troop image. Thank you !
  13. thank you very much for the advice thus far --- I have seen a few images from July 4 festivities, and I am seeing a modified clone trooper / camo armor set with a modified sc helmet - different shaped visor. Can anyone clarify this? THis image shows the helmet on the right. the other image, which i cannot find at the moment, shows two camo'ed troopers with yellow accented plates. Very curious about these variants.
  14. are there any apps that can be recommended which work well with the forums for viewing on a mobile phone?
  15. I believe that I have this correct as an initial estimate, but guide me as to any errors or adjustments I should be making to my projected budget numbers are for "minimum" / "standard" / "premium" levels of spending. Helmet $100-$200 / $250 - $500 / $500 - $1000 Armor $250 - $600 / $600 - $1000 / $1200 - $1500 Boots $25 - 50 / $50 - $150 / $150 - $300 Undersuit $5 - $20 / $25 - $50 / $50 - $150 Gloves $5 - $20 / $25 - $50 / $50 - $100 Soft Parts $50 - $100 / $100 - $250 / $250 - $500 Sidearm $5 - $25 / $25 - $100 / $100 - $500 Voice Changer $5 - $25 / $25 - $100 / $100 - $350 Cooling System $5 - $25 / $25 - $100 / $100 - $350 Total outlay ranges - 450-1100 / 1125-2300 / 2500-4750 Appreciate your feedback on whether you feel these are resonable budget numbers to work with, and thank you in advance. Nicholas
  16. yes.. please help me avoid tears - I have the funds to play in this sandbox, I just want to be smart about it and learn from the past mistakes of others willing to share.
  17. I am enjoying the no cost portion of this journey, which is the exploration of the "lay of the land" so o speak on parts, pieces, and sources for these armor sets. I saw this on ebay - 1. the helmet just looks off to me - perhaps its a product of the image taken? the visor just looks way too wide compared to every other example I've seen. 2. Is a Don Post example ( if verified as genuine ) one that has particular advantages and disadvantages for trooping? 3. Is $250 an appropriate price for this type of helmet ( if found to be genuine )?
  18. Yes I am talking about the flight suit - In looking at the screengrabs, the pattern in the movie appears to have a darker overlay that is more uniform than the rest. This image is from another gallery here, and I think this is the best image of the camo pattern on the undersuit -- and I have not seen this pattern closely copied on practical examples - has this pattern been definatively traced to a specific product?
  19. Heres a question -- is the uniform pouches still considered " correct" if they are empty, or are we expected to display them as full, and does the content ever get inspected as well? Nicholas
  20. I would love to think that you're saying if I buy a RS helmet it will help my midsection develop a six-pack overnight, but I believe you may be inferring its full plastic and not fiberglass... lol Nicholas
  21. This is pretty awesome way to create this item. A few questions - are you using any stitching at all on the panels to better approximate an actual sewn pouch? What feedback have you received as the ability to "certify" or approve an armor set using this technique? Nicholas
  22. are there any builds that show applying screen accurate camo to a solid color suit such as the one suggested? I would think the charcoal color selection would be the best starting base color for whats represented in the film. Nicholas
  23. I am noticing through the research that there is huge range of bodysuit appearances which have been a part of approved armor sets. Is there truly that amount of leeway, or is the lack of a screen accurate suit source preventing a more uniform standard? Or does it fall into the canon concept that these specialized units adapt to the various environments, and therefore are unlikely to display a uniform look? Nicholas
  24. I know that amongst most every hobby there are "economy" "regular" " expensive" and "over the top" pricing that comes along ... Im reading on a memorabilia site that they are taking "preorders" for a helmet to be made from "EFX master patterns" = the preorder price is $700 -- would you describe this pricepoint as economy, expensive, or over the top? Would a helment of this pricepoint be even appropriate for trooping? or something to be considered "dress whites" only for special occasions? Nicholas
  25. Has anyone done an illustrated image of the entire look, with lines showing the components and where they sourced the raw materials? I think that would be pretty helpful in the gathering of said materials. On that same note, I would find it helpful to know from those doing their own construction their recommendations for the type of tools, sewing machines, fasteners, etc. All of these small components are ( I would guess ) what help to drive the success of the final product. Nicholas
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