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About Chuckmn8

  • Birthday 12/11/1987

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  • Location
    Tucson, AZ
  • Interests
    Datsuns. Star Wars, and more Datsuns

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  1. its rather tight fit on my head as my face is pretty much touching the front faceplate including my chin. the pleasures of having a head that requires a 7 5/8 hat lol
  2. Im in tucson but I do frequent up to Scottsdale area fairly often. Ironically I was there this morning to buy a cheap KS helmet at is fits me better the the SC one I have which is a start for me
  3. I might use my KS helmet to get approved and then upgrade as I would like to see one of those helmet in person before I spent the money on one. Maybe yours sometime if you don't mind as we are both in AZ lol
  4. I definitely need to see about finding a altmanns helmet as the KS one I have is rather tight on my Huge dome of a head I pretty much and touching the front and back with no padding. Pretty much seems my head is to big to fit into most stuff lol
  5. Love the boot cuts, definetly going to be following this build, great info for the noob I am
  6. I was thinking of the same thing as arizona heat can get pretty bad during the summer. When I was in afghanistan we used some thing similar to this inside our vests. http://steelevest.com/product/gel-ice-15-oz-thermo-strips-set-of-5-sa1145-5/ Dont think it would be to hard to make a thin vest or sew some pockets inside the coveralls to allow for some well placed packs like these
  7. I know what you are saying on it being a tad bit overwhelming but when you get a grasp of what you are looking for it all sort of makes sense. When I make my kit I plan on attempting to sew most of the stuff and if it fails there are a number of tailors locally for me that is I need them they are there. I look forward to seeing your build progress as I should be starting the ordering game shortly for mine.
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