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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by tckoolaid125

  1. Cool, thanks. I just emailed him. (Sorry I just saw that I posted this in the wrong section, Please delete) Tyler
  2. Does anyone know where I can get a set of bicep T bits or does anyone have extras I can buy? One of mine fell off when trooping. Thanks. Tyler TB-51325
  3. Does anyone know where I can get a set of bicep T bits or does anyone have extras I can buy? One of mine fell off when trooping. Thanks. Tyler TB-51325
  4. So I have been doing some research and have been told Kropserkel helmets are really good. I have heard that people don't like their armor as well and it is a little thin. Is this true? I heard it is best all around to go with Studio Creations armor. Thoughts? Would the Kropserkel helmet match the Studio Creations Armor as far as color or be off white a little? Also does anyone have a Kropserkel blaster? Are they good? Thanks. Tyler
  5. I know in the FISD forum there is a place to buy from members, but is there a place to buy on this forum? If so where? Do I need special access, because I can't find it anywhere. Thanks. Tyler TK-51325
  6. Cool, thanks for your help everyone! Does studio creations have a website or contact info? Thanks. Tyler
  7. Is Kropserkel a good place to get armor/ helmet?
  8. I am interested in buying a complete biker scout suit. Who makes the best quality? Where is the best place to buy? ABS? Fiberglass? Vinyl? I am new to this forum, is the a place that members put suits up for sale? Thanks. Tyler TK-51325
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