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Everything posted by batphobic

  1. With this kit the collar pieces don't "snap" or "embed" into the chest. They sit above it. Reference photo here. So I wanted to see if I could alter that. So I extended the collar pieces with some excess ABS and bondo (so they could fit into new slots I would cut in the chest). Here are the new slots I made in the chest in order to make room for the collar piece to sit snuggly in it. (I don't have a photo of the original chest piece without the cuts -- but there are 4 new holes in this for this mod) Here's a photo of sloppy covers I made on the back of the new holes on the chest piece so that if there was any kind of gap (see next photo) you wouldn't see thru to the shirt. And here's what it looks like when put together. Not perfect. Not as clean as some other kits. But I like it more than having the collar pieces just sitting on top of the chest with a gap. Open to thoughts on other tweaks I could make.
  2. An assortment of parts. Bondo'd, sanded. On the one shoulder bell I scored a line too high so I had to bondo that line and sand it. On this particular kit the shoulder bells do not have return edges (I didn't cut them off). The back.
  3. Progress Post! I've not been good about posting updates. This kit is taking way longer than my TD did, both because it's more work and because I have less time. Here goes: Slow progress on the E22. Lots of filler and sanding in my future. My Endor Finders gloves.
  4. I bought Havana-colored Orca Bay boots. They look really light. Did I get the wrong color? Looks like @MikeRadness says in his Vanguard request that he got Havana... but his boots look a lot darker than this.
  5. Thanks Melody that's a good point. Maybe I do an "alpha" version now with the parts I have and "beta" version later if/when I get crisper parts just to keep making progress. (And no... haven't begun painting yet... going slower than I had hoped)
  6. Makin' a little progress! But up against my next question: Overall I'm pleased with the vacuum formed kit. But the plates over the front of the greaves, as well as both knee pieces aren't crisp enough for me. Any ideas on sources for *just those parts*? I'm not certain the Sean Fields files are accurate enough? I contacted Mr Paul and he doesn't sell/provide the 3D files for just those parts.
  7. Anyone have a reliable (if not official) length/height of the vertical tube on the back of the belt? (talking about the one in this photo)
  8. Got my beautiful Shoretrooper kit (850 Armor) and excited to get started! I have a TD that I built in 2014 (td20290.com) and now building a second kit. I want it to pass basic legion inspection but it will be used by my 15-yr-old (who's taller than me) -- so, Galactic Academy -- when we attend troops together as father and son. Will post frequently, probably, with questions to make sure I'm doing this right before I make any cuts! Thanks in advance for your support and guidance!
  9. Hey @Roaddog - any updates? How's the build coming?
  10. thanks Joe! Will start digging into those links!
  11. Hello all! TD20290 here. Joined the 501st as a sandy back in 2014. Now considering doing a Shoretrooper. Any/all thoughts/guidance definitely welcome. If you have build posts will you please share them with me? Also - I see talk about 3D printing all the parts. Is there no such thing as a vacuum formed Shoretrooper vendor? Seems like 3D printing an entire kit would be very time consuming with the printing + sanding etc. Thanks!
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