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PFD Recruit
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    RC planes, quadcopters, costuming, Star Wars, robotics

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  1. Working out foam pieces. I'll probably redo most of them now that I've honed my skills a bit.

  2. Not too shabby, keep us posted!
  3. Found a hornet's nest in a bush right by my work area, lovely creatures when disturbed

  4. What is the type of foam? You may want to look into rc plane foam safe glues. I get my rc stuff from hobbyking typically
  5. ~1kg is pretty good for something that size! Of course that doesn't include the milled stock and few other parts not entirely 3d printed.
  6. Ya know, I'm sure nobody who has gotten their trooper approved would happen to have a 3d scanner, would they? That's probably what I'll do once I've finished mine up, take a scan then convert it to a .pdo.
  7. I have to say, the last camo was the best in my opinion, third time's the charm right? I don't know about anyone else, but I'm taking notes!
  8. I was wondering if you got anywhere further with this, it's looking good! You got an idea how much filament it took ya?
  9. Just now saw it today, thanks for the link! I'll check it out
  10. I haven't found any at all! It was the first thing I looked for, since I'm scratch building my trooper. Next best thing I could look at was movie scenes, until I ran across MB's build pics, and followed links around till I ended up here, and the 501st crl. When I finish up mine, or during, I'll see if I can't put one together.
  11. Thanks, I'll get some pictures up as soon as I am able. guess I'll just experiment with the suit, if all else fails I'm sure I can snag some british desert camo somewhere.
  12. As much as I've looked, I have yet to see any pep files on us kashyyyk troopers! I've started a bit of 3d modelling for the helmet, but I figured I'd ask to see if some pep files were already made, or if they're looked down upon for whatever reason, or if just nobody has done em.
  13. So I have a brown coverall laying around, but it is a solid color. I will need to add lighter or darker camo patches to it to fit the crl. Does anyone know how I would go about doing so? I've poked around a bit looking but I haven't turned anything up. As for the riding patch, I have tan duck canvas. Being that the crl calls for suede or leather, this won't work, correct?
  14. Can't wait to see this finished! Makes me want to try my hand at one!
  15. Nice! Went and registered at the CTD, bit o trouble logging in since I kept trying to login with my email instead of my username, I thought I messed my password up! Anywho I found the blueprints all nice and easy!
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