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501st Pathfinder
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Bally last won the day on September 20 2017

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About Bally

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    Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

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  • 501st Garrison
    Redback Garrison
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  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Kashyyyk Trooper

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  1. Oh it's all good now thanks mate. Got it approved. 👍
  2. Having now actually done the maths on this, there's no way I can achieve the Level 2 measurements. That's an absolute minimum of 98cm needed around to fit just the pouches. I'm at 85cm around (yeah don't hate me, cancer last year helped out) so even with the suit and cummerbund adding a bit there's no way I can fit them, let alone have a gap at the front. I suppose I'll be relying on the "... proportional to the wearer in scale, fit and size" part of the CRL description to get through.
  3. Oh another question on them then. The pictures indicate a curve in the front of the 'grenade' pouches. Do these still remain after the revision?
  4. Thanks mate, yeah, let's just say I started before then. I'd designed them for 3D printing so they shouldn't be too hard to adjust the models to the new sizes. Thanks.
  5. G'day all. I've revived my Kashyyyk Trooper build and am starting to make some good progress. Since I started though the CRL has been revised and Level 2 specs added. My question is... is the best way to go with the pouches the old standard dimensions e.g.- or the dimensions in the Level 2 certification in the CRL? They're quite a bit different.
  6. Beauty thanks Chopper. I've got some shoe glue I've used, for shoes funnily enough, which does flexible and might work OK.
  7. For what it's worth I asked about getting the gloves made without the stitched greeb in them (to save on unstitching and to try and get the hole the right size) and this was the reply: I'd be interested to know size-wise, how the stitched greeblie compares to the silicone one.
  8. OK I'll drop the khaki cummerbund campaign 😂. Reckon we can agree the stripes are evenly spaced though based on the screenies, not the variable spacing which has become the standard design?
  9. Great work guys. Also motivation for me to finally get back into finishing mine. A couple of points IMHO: - The camouflage colours have always been a sticking point. Not to have to do it, but the pain people go through to get them right and the fact everyone has their own opinions on exactly what those colours are (and how to apply them). A lot of this stems from the fact the specified colours/brands are just flat-out not available in a lot of countries, and therefore many people are left to try to colour-match screenshots they've printed out. Is it possible to specifically define, for example, the hex or decimal RGB colour codes for these colours so there is no doubt exactly what they are and are also easier to get made up if required. - The cummerbund. This one kills me. My opinion.... It's just not grey. Grey makes no sense paired with a camouflage uniform (I, like many here have worn one for years) and in high def screenshots it clearly looks khaki, stained with rust/brown. I have the utmost respect for the guys who drafted the original CRL and I'm sure the screenshots available at the time looked grey, but I just can't accept that was what the designers of the characters intended. I have no problem at all with not accepting MOLLE vests, but the thing is khaki, not grey. - " 2 vertical black straps have a set of white dotted lines on each side. " on the cummerbund level 2. Do the screenshots support this? I have no issue if it can be seen, just haven't specifically noticed it before. Would something simple like using white stitching on these straps suffice? Anyway that's my noob feedback. Thanks very much for the update on this, very much appreciate it.
  10. Sorry I mean a link to the Kickstarter project... If he's adding this as a stretch goal.
  11. Where's the main project?
  12. A couple of the more popular methods are either airbrushing or dabbing on with a sponge.
  13. For one of the best quality DC-15a have a look at Woodchuck's. He's in the middle of doing a run at the moment so you'll have to wait until the next one though.
  14. That's what I'd call the Altama desert boot, although there's probably other makers than Altama who are doing the same style. It should be quite acceptable.
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