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DL Emeritus
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About BrotherHalo

  • Birthday 01/23/1976


  • Member Title
    DL Emeritus

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Dark Side of Endor
  • Interests
    Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Family. My wife and kids are my life.

501st Information

  • Name
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Dewback Ridge
  • 501st Profile Page
  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Scout Trooper: ROTJ

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  1. Lol. I just noticed that the artist’s rendering in the packaging has him holding an E22 but the figure has a different/new blaster rifle.
  2. Everything? Looks like all armor is not ST armor. The helmet has some features but the should bells look similar to FOTK, same for biceps I think. Forearms look like Patrol trooper. The abs might be Shoretrooper. Legs doesn’t look familiar. The hip plates look Shoretrooper-esque. Don’t know if the pouches are part of the plates or separate. No back shot yet. It it may be too early yet. But it’s so freaking cool!
  3. It's heartwarming to read all these stories how Jim touched everyone. I worked with him in various capacities here and his passing will leave a big hole. We'll miss you, brother.
  4. I'm assuming the DLs for the various detachments are pooling the info together for this CRL? I know that there's a list in SpecOps for the paint colors.
  5. I've always kept my wallet, cell phone, keys and boonie rolled up in one pouch and cards and temp tattoos in the other. But everything's been kept loose. Creating this box is an AWESOME idea. What did you end up making your box out of?
  6. I'm glad to be back on board, Marcel! Try as I might, I just can't stay away from here for too long. This is THE place that started me down the road of the 501st and my love hasn't waned. For those who don't know me, I've been a member on BSN since ... about 2003, I think. I've done stints as a moderator, Merch officer, ADL (now known as the Detachment XO), webmaster and DL. BSN means a lot to me and I've made a lot of friends here. I look forward to making many more!
  7. FYI, our GML gave Colleen approval the night before the last troop for the Balloon Fiesta. I helped him look it over and couldn't find anything that was glaringly obvious (Colleen was so meticulous with her Fett and Aurra Sing). Plus we have two other Kashyyyk troopers in the garrison to compare against, so she was golden. Considering how slight Colleen's frame is, she wears it really well!
  8. ROFL! I'm half-expecting to see some tinnies come from the water!
  9. I believe Wayne. I don't think he has long fingers. Maybe you just have stubby ones, Jake!
  10. Oh yeah, Jake told me how small his feet were. I wasn't even sure Witness did boots in that size.
  11. Are you saying Jake has girly hands?
  12. Hey, no sweat, bro. My name is Bob Tyrrell, just like the tat artist. I don't have any ink, but can enthusiastically appreciate the art form. I'm just taking my time to figger out what I want. Seriously, though, there's no shame in being ballsy, but, as with the nature of being online, any sort of subtle nuances that face-to-face conversation (or even just voice-to-voice) is lost. Like Hollywood said, we're all just striving for accuracy.
  13. SOME people? Nobody here is against you asking questions, Mike. The only thing I've seen anyone take issue with is the fact that you seem to poo poo on the idea that there are others who have done as much (or less or more) research as you have and have come to different conclusions. Nobody but the costume designers and anyone who has personally handled the costume can claim any certainty on any aspect of the costume - unfortunately. Shoot, if nobody asked any questions, we'd still be stuck with 1999-era quality costumes. So ask away. Hollywood ain't shy. He just likes to keep it Beverly Hills.
  14. On behalf of the command staff, I would like to welcome Clay, TB-6640 (aka Sandeman) as the Pathfinders newest Lancer Scout! I must say that if anyone is interested in how to submit an app and how your Lancer gear should look, take a look at Clay's submission thread. Picture perfect. Congrats on becoming the newest Lancer, Clay! I'm proud to have such a textbook example of submission to deal with as my last duty as the Pathfinder DL! Send Daan your pics to get included in the Lancer gallery! Go forth and make the Lancers proud!
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