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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by DZ19485

  1. Hi everyone, After a few hard month, my bikerscout is now ready and is allready approved. Armorkit is from rob (UK), painting and building from my husband BH83272 (nemesiscustoms at Facebook) and all the softparts, flightsuit and boots by me (I am open for some assignments). I hope you live my biker biker direct upload[/url
  2. I am searching for gloves in size m. They are Sold out at Wampawear at the Moment. A friend of mine is actually collecting all the Parts for his biker. Maybe anybody can help? Cheers meike
  3. Hi guys, I would also like to build a biker scout. can someone help me of you? which prop maker would you recommend? Of course I know SC and FAC. or maybe you know someone who manufactures items, like boots etc? maybe even one of you wants to get rid of his armor Hope to here from you. Meike Ackermann DZ19485 Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
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