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PFD Recruit
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    New York

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    Empire City Garrison
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  1. My buddy got his son a WTF kids Biker Scout and asked for help. This will be our first armor build of any kind. We both have some TK armor on order as well. We are shooting for Lancer standards on the build and to be as accurate as we can. I figured I would start with something easy and went with the TD. I trimmed the pieces and cut some holes for the zip the. I then cleaned up the greeblies and painted them black before I glued them on. I need to get some grey paint so I can paint the hose. Any input/critiques as the build progresses is welcome. One general question I had was do any of the armor pieces need to have return edges? Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk
  2. Thanks. Case closed
  3. I am helping my buddy build a WTF kids Biker Scout, and this is my first Biker Scout. Forgive me if this has been asked and answered, but I have a question about the greeblies that go on the thermal detonator. From all I can gather when looking at it, the circle goes on the right and the 2 squares things go on the left. But what is the orientation of the squares? I have seen images with the indent/cut out on the top and on the bottom. Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk
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