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501st Pathfinder
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About yodaid764

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Fort Polk, LA

501st Information

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Bast Alpha
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. Team, I need help with my boots. I originally built them in 2015 when I got approved, but I didn't use enough E6000 and they started falling apart a couple of years ago. A few months ago, I went to the garrison armorer to help me rebuild them and it did not go well. We did something wrong; one stack is taller than the other, and things are not lining up. At this point, I'm throwing in the towel and looking for someone who can get the job done right so I can wear the costume and get back to trooping. Please point me in the right direction so I can just throw money at the problem and get it fixed. Thanks in advance, Tom TB23577 thomas.j.piernicky@gmail.com
  2. I wore my costume for the first time almost 2 weeks ago at a kids birthday party. I could not see anything because the more I talked (responding to questions) the more it fogged up the lens. I even put the anti fog stuff I got from the Army on it... I was contemplating a fan also. But I am open to recommendations on this.
  3. How hard is it to take out the liner?
  4. Good one Paul. I have concerns about going thru the security check points here at FT Polk once I get my costume finished. Then again, I have only had my vehicle searched twice in my 10 years in the Army.
  5. Hey guys and gals. I am putting the finishing touches on my KS helmet. I swapped out the cheap foam inside and put some extra helmet pads leftover from my military gear. Fits way better now. However, I am wondering what you all do about the nose piece. There is a circular piece of foam in there. It gets uncomfortable after a few minutes. I was thinking of taking a rubber nose piece from some old workshop glasses. What do you use to help keep the helmet stable on your nose and how do you make it comfortable? Thanks Tom
  6. I recently bought a KS helmet. The visor was cut improperly. I emailed KS to see about getting a replacement and they never bothered to return my email. They are terrible about contacting customers, I had problems even getting them to reply to inquiries for buying their product. At this point, I recommend other vendors.
  7. It has been a week since I messaged KS on FB. I get the feeling they are not going to respond. Suggestions?
  8. I think my SC kit is also missing these. I was wondering how to fix this...then came across this thread. Thanks.
  9. NM, you answered while I was typing.
  10. You may be onto something. The helmet shapes seem similiar. Both have the same/similiar bicep attachements. I also noticed the bund of this scout trooper is vastly differnt with all those little pouches. Plus, he seems to have a black pouch on his left thigh. It looks like the pic you posted has something like it. I am not sure, but the glove and forearm of the scout looks different too. The glove looks short and the forearm material looks ribbed. So anyway, out of curosity, can these be used for references to alternate changes to the costumes?
  11. I have been playing the Star Wars: The Force Collection app on my phone for some time now. When I was looking at the 4* Speeder Bike Scout card I noticed there looks like something different on the scouts upper left arm. It looks like a silver strap with a small white box around the bicep area. I also noticed the snout is completly black. It looks like a CGI rendering of a socout, but I wanted to see if anyone else had thoughts on this.
  12. I dont know if the visor is "toast". I am just not sure if there is a good way to alter the one on there now with the tools/skills I have at my disposal. I /think/ if I removed the visor, cut off some of the "arms" by a few mm, it would fit better. However, that brings up the problem of drilling new holes and perhaps filling the old one, then attempting to paint the filler to match. Each step just means one more chance to mess this up. I have contacted Brenda from KS to address this issue. Now I just have to wait until they finally decide to get around to replying. Please keep up the suggestions, guy and girls. And thanks for the advice so far.
  13. Starting to agree. Most of the rest of it looks good (except for the snout). The rest of the moulding looks good. No warping I can see. It looks more like they set the visor too far forward by several mm. And with this being my first build, I am not sure I can fix this with my beginner skills.
  14. I resized the photo of an overhead shot I took last night and added it to my original post above. You can see a sizable gap between the visor and the faceplate. I have never used a heat gun but I am not sure that would help to be honest.
  15. Trying to upload new pics, but it says the files are too big.
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