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501st Pathfinder
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TriumphTrooper8 last won the day on October 31 2015

TriumphTrooper8 had the most liked content!


21 Excellent

About TriumphTrooper8

Profile Information

  • Level II Badge
    Lancer TB
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501st Information

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Old Line Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. I am in the process of replicating what was done to fasten the back hump/tank tot he back plate. There was a piece of black elastic webbing on the botton and the top of the tank. My question is what thickness is it? Looks like to me 1/2" or 5/8".
  2. I am in the oricess of replicating what was done to fasten the back hump/tank tot he back plate. There was a piece of black elastic webbing on the botton and the top of the tank. My question is what thickness is it? Looks like to me 1/2" or 5/8".
  3. Thanks guys.......it was a fun and tedious road to travel since I built the kit 2 years ago. Now that's its done I have one to build for my future lancer 13 year old daughter!
  4. Thanks and the action pic has been sent............
  5. Here are some updates. I changed the shoulder bridges (Covers) and the shoulder bell straps to the zip ties. I swapped out the TD tube for one that is all gray. I will have pictures of the completed armor tomorrow for hopefully a final review. Pistol: Got it from Darth Voorhees Thermal Detonator Tube Shoulder bridges and zip ties
  6. I plan on retaking some pictures due to alignment issues with the biceps and just a double check on the rest.
  7. Shoulder Bells Thermal Detonator End Caps Flack Vest Cummerbund Strap Gloves Boots Flight Suit Strap Butt Flap Action Pose
  8. Helmet Knee Guards Bottom Strap Top Strap Bicep Strap Forearm Strap Belt Straps Chest/Back Strap
  9. I have been modifying this kit since 2015 and tried to keep up with the changing CRL/Lancer Requirements, so here we go! Michael Perkins TB-10114 Old Line Garrison; Maryland & District of Columbia, USA Armor & Helmet : Studio Creations Helmet Decals : TrooperBay TD clips : Fabricated by myself Boots : Fabricated by myself Undersuit, Flak Vest, Cummerbound, Cod, Pouches from Bolivia Balaclava : Generic from Ebay Gloves : TrooperBay Blaster : Darth Voorhees
  10. I hope we can get all the build info centralized considering there are so many groups on FB that its begging to be dumped into one spot! I have the kit and plan on getting to in my hands before the end of the weekend so from there I hope to have the CRL and plenty of info from those secret builds! The Shoretrooper does belong here! SO what the designation? ST............
  11. The boots are in "As worn" condition along with the dirt and grass stains now from a few troops! Its a wear and toss on the storage box set of armor! I love it!
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