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Everything posted by KashyyykBiker18

  1. Hey all, I just have a question. I was a part of a SoCal 501st group on FB, (quite a few) But left for a personal reason. Now, (again, personal reasons) I don't have access to FB, (Or any social media, due to a new security on my Mac) which stinks since that seems the only way to get informed about 501st events. We reap what we sow i guess. Anyway, is there any other way I can be informed of the armor parties, or when everyone is gathering for an event? Thanks KB18 Out.
  2. Hey everyone, I am an 18 year old, whose always looked up to the 501st, and now that i'm of age, I'm staring to ease into this whole deal. Bad news: I have no job, struggling in high school, and have to attend Community College in Fall. Now that may seem irrelevant, but I just wanted you to know what odds are stacked up against me. I intend, or dream, to make a full Kashyyyk Scout Armor, although I have no clue where to start. A little help would be sincerely appreciated. Can't wait to see you in the Swamp! Sincerely, R.C.
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