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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by Mnt33r

  1. I went the Redkap route but was thinking of experimenting with some black scrubs--I know some Mando Mercs who use them for their undersuits and they're much lighter than the coveralls. Anyone ever use them for a scout? Chappie
  2. Thanks for the advice--it's working now. I think my pilot hole and washers were a little too big.
  3. I purchased a pop rivet gun and have been practicing on some scrap plastic, but the back side of the rivet just never seems to flatten out like the top of the rivet--the best I seem to get is a slightly wider rivet body that sticks out from the plastic quite a bit. Sometimes it will hold in place, but most of the time the popped rivet just falls out of the pilot hole. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? And can we substitute 1/8" screw posts (Chicago screws) for rivets on the belt and knee pads?
  4. Good point.
  5. Thanks and copy all. This scrub material is a little heavier than other scrubs I've worn, so I think it should stand up to the patches; I have some extra suede so I'll sew some test patches on the pants and post a pic for your feedback. I can also skip the dickey and add a mandarin-type collar to the scrub shirt--one less thing to buy.
  6. I started my build off with a Redkap coverall as my undersuit, but have decided to go the two-piece route instead. A couple Mando Mercs I met at a con this weekend recommended using hospital scrubs as the undersuit. I bought a pair and I think they'd work great. They're made of thin, comfortable material and are easy to maintain. I searched on the BSN boards and couldn't find much on them. Does anyone else use scrubs or a similar two piece suit? I was also thinking of using a mock dickey for the neck. Does the neck have to be attached to the undersuit? Looking at stills from ROTJ and some of the costume books, the neck piece looks like a turtleneck that's kind of scrunched down. I think a dickey worn under the vest could recreate this impression nicely. Standing by for your thoughts. Dave Example products I referenced: http://www.blauer.com/mock-dickey-8119x.html http://www.uniformadvantage.com/pages/prod/long-sleeve-unisex-scrub-top.asp?1=1&frmcolor=black http://www.uniformadvantage.com/pages/prod/936.asp?1=1&navbar=3&frmcolor=BLACK
  7. Lou, since Mike's in a rush for SWC you can send him the blaster I ordered if you've started on it already--I can wait another couple weeks if need be. Dave Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I sent the Tru-Spec back and kept the Red Kap, will start modding it this weekend. Thanks for the help!
  9. Welcome! I'm 6'5" and just started on my scout--been working on a Chewie too since Christmas (just got to the latch hooking stage). Good luck on the build! Dave
  10. Well, a fortuitous trip to the attic revealed some old Air Force boots I stashed away (and forgot about). Think they could work? They have vibram soles--are those easy to carve out?
  11. I checked out both the UK and US Ebays--I need a US 14E which is apparently tough to come by in a solid-colored sole. The search continues....
  12. Great info, thanks!
  13. I'm having a hard time finding base boots (size 14)--think these would work for Lancer? http://www.ebay.com/...=item338463cbc9 Thanks, Dave
  14. How embarrassing! There is a zipper buried into the seam at the bottom--thanks for the assist! I like the mesh idea, too.
  15. Is there a current undersuit preference for Lancer between the military type flight suit and work coveralls? I purchased both the Tru-Spec 27-P and Red Kap Twill Action Back Coverall. Just curious what others think before I start ripping pockets off one and send the other back. My initial thoughts are: 27-P - Pro: Lighter-weight material, will be much cooler in summer heat - Pro: Two-way front zipper, easier/quicker access for #1 business - Con: More pockets/zippers to remove/hide Red Kap - Pro: Easier to mod - Con: Much heavier material, hotter during summer events - Con: One-way zipper down I also noticed that the military flight suit has the prominent picture on the CRL. Does that mean it's the "norm"? I'm also curious how the Red Kap holds up to washing/drying since it's 35% cotton. Thanks, Dave
  16. I'm just starting my build and also need a bigger helmet. I was thinking KS but it sounds like it might be too small as well. I heard from KS today and they said their helmet will easily fit up to a 24" melon circumference (mine is 23.5")--just curious if you're close to this mark as well; I didn't think about the jaw dropping too far below the helmet when talking. Mnt33r
  17. I could use the measurements if you don't mind. I'm a big dude and need the biggest helmet I can find (I wear a 7 5/8 hat).
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