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501st Pathfinder
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Aliaz last won the day on February 29 2020

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1 Follower

About Aliaz

  • Birthday 10/16/1987


  • Member Title
    Biker Scout

Profile Information

  • Level II Badge
    Lancer TB
  • Trooping Award Badge
    10+ TB
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  • Interests
    Star Wars, 1/6 scale collectibles, Japan, Karate, Scout Troopers.

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  1. What a treasure trove of Scouts! Great work by the team!
  2. I think just bringing everything up will bring the cod to the right position. remember the belt should be higher up then a normal belt.
  3. To be honest, for those prices I would check with both Chefs Creations and Cast from Original if you are looking for a alternative in Europe. Both tried and trusted vendors and even with the possibility of getting charged customs after Brexit I don't think the price will differ much. And you know you will get quality. I agree with Chopper on Armour Factory, looks recast to me and I have been hearing about a Spanish company recasting armor from a few different people here in Europe. Also reach out to other in the German Garrison since MovieFX is a german company, they might have more info.
  4. Very interesting picture, thanks!
  5. The cod does look to big. Ideally it should just lay on the front of your body and only the strap should go between your legs. Bring the shoulders up, rotate the biceps so that the t-bt is to the side and then the armor pieces will look pretty good.
  6. Congrats and well done! Keep up the good work.
  7. Awesome! Welcome to the garrison and the Pathfinders!
  8. Thanks for all your hard work Stefan, can't wait to have you back! Congratulations Melody, keep up the good work!
  9. The exact tip I gave him on the Nordic Garrison forum since he is moving to Norway! Like Retrofire said, you look good to go, I hope to troop with you sometime!
  10. Welcome aboard!
  11. Looking pretty good there. A few pointers: your pouches are too much to the side, they should be facing forwards. and tbh they are way to big. 6x5 inches is the ballpark to aim for. your bund should also tuck under the chest armor, not leave a gap so you can see the jumpsuit. the shoulder bridges on the chest/back armor need to meet at your shoulder, and be covered by shoulder bridges. You should be able to heat and bend them to follow the curve of your shoulder, which probably will get the chest piece up abit and fit better. Keep at it trooper, almost there!
  12. Heres to another great year!
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