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501st Legion (RET)
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Work last won the day on June 3 2017

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    Jacksonville FL

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    Florida Garrison
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  1. Daaaaamn. Where'd this come from?
  2. Yeah, dunno if he's still making them or not. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Kevin Weir. I agree. Not a fan at all of Anovos's paint job. Especially for the price. But if you're going for the full on accurate paint job, the inaccuracies on the other helmets may bug you enough that repainting the Anovos may be worth while to you. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. The most accurate sculpt would be Anovos. Followed by KW and BSP though BSP is missing the black trim.
  5. Yeah the spacing on the boxes looks a little off but the size isn't too bad. Weathering looks good, just a little heavy on the helmet. Lookin good otherwise!
  6. The first thing that needs to be done with any Jimmi kit is to sand the insides of the entire kit down really well with some heavy grit sandpaper. The back is raw shards of fiberglass and it will cause extreme irritation if you don't. Make sure you wear a mask. You don't want to breathe that stuff. I'd give a light sand to smooth out the outside too with some light grit paper. Other than that it's really up to you what you want to work on first.
  7. I'm not super familiar with KB's kit, but if you've had people vouch for it that may be the way to go. Jim Tripon's kit can be modded for bigger guys but the shins pretty much need to be replaced. They're pretty tiny. No matter what kit you get you're probably going to have to do a bit of modifying.
  8. The bsp armor is molded in a tan color but needs to be painted. The anovos helmet is a close color but not an exact match to the screen accurate paint color (Montana Gold Sahara Beige.)
  9. Not particularly. Fiberglass might be a little bit more of a pain to work with due to the glass element but resin isn't that much better. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. They're fairly similar really. Fiberglass might be a bit lighter.
  11. Good job!
  12. Looking good!
  13. "Sand" is actually the proper color but Havana or Elk could be made to work. Many are using havana.
  14. Check out this thread. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=16286&st=0
  15. It's a pretty basic yellow. Some are using shock yellow from Montana.
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