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    Carolina Garrison
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  1. The original helmet: Hard hat liner Chin strap So, that is one legit option
  2. For TIE/Scout cross over folks ... How similar is the WW fitting between the TIE gloves and the Scout? If the scout is any smaller, I will need to go up a size on mine. If the fit is the same, I'll get the same size.
  3. What was used on the original helmets? There seems to be a black strip that looks like velcro on the original helmet.
  4. That is a type of glue used to meld plastics together- its sold at hobby & some craft stores Hobby Lobby has it on the shelves in the model section
  5. Here is what I'm making them from, Hasbro E-11 foe scale: Playing with PVC to see what fits, physically. The bottom black barrel on the clear gun unscrews, so it can either be handle/barrel support or removed entirely. he AR has a 1 1/4" barrel- to see if can work for the E-17 The Stinger has a 1" barrel, with a small one laid on top. For a full conversion, I need to mount the barrel to the core, plus add holes on it. The top barrel will tie across the top to the base of the scope. I will shroud and detail the core, with correct-looking greebles. The stock will need a box around it, and a triangular butt, Though, I like the looks of the T-style Hoth and Endor rebel guns (A280/A295). The E-17 looks like: The DLT-20 is this one:
  6. I'm working in making some blaster rifles, to build up a small arsenal. As the first ones won't, obviously, be as well made as later ones I make (as I learn skills, make mistakes, and gain experience. Still, I'm working to make them based on something "real." as opposed to fantasy stuff. I got some broken airsoft lots from Ebay. Those, might as well be the basis for my lessons. My model skills are rusty after a decade of non-use (small kids and models don't mix well), so there will be a learning curve, Also, I lack a shop and related tools that would make it easy, so this will be interesting ... For the first 2, it seems that the Battlefront E-17d sniper rifle could be made from one of the AR-15/M-16s, The other initial attempt is based on a Crosman Stinger S32PC (I finally figured out what it is). This one looks to be a decent "core" for a decent DLT-20a. The problem, for me, is finding source material to make them "accurate." Anyone have access to dimensions or details for the DLT-20? I've seen and collected a few images, but they are either lower resolution (wherein I can't tell the details) or look to be be "off" compared to the real-prop images. What is the correct length? The only number I've seen is 62", which seems absurd as the other similar-scaled stuff is more 42-54" long. Any info would be helpful.
  7. How do the Esprit sizes run? Tighter? Larger? I'm wondering if they may work for me ...
  8. I know. I posted on the spec ops forum, but thought other members on here may have some ideas ... I'm still looking for images of the various film and EU weapons, esp. the DLT-20, E-17d, A280, A295, and the like. I have a nymber of airsoft/bb rifles I plan to use as cores for at least 2 usable ones & more conversions that are probably too far off canon to be approvable as replicas, even if in the correct "style" of the canon ones. - 2 styles of AR-15/M-16, one based on the Heckler & Koch 33/MP5, and one I am still trying to ID if it is based on anything real. One AR15 may be made into an A280, while the other may become something with a larger singe barrel. The non-identifiable rifle may be convertable into: or The neatest non-canon rifle, to me is (from 1966, based on H&K 33, from early 1950s): With an extended barrel, I wonder of something can be made from that shape. I also got an airsoft vz.61 Skorpion, which would make a neat heavy blaster pistol. However, it isn't related to anything in the canon I can find.
  9. As the Shadow Scouts are, basically, the commandos/SEAL/SAS teams of the Empire (from what I've read, anyways) ... And, whereas, in the real-world Spec Ops, they use weapons different than "normal" forces ... (Often "indigenous" weapons that blend into the local forces, or the forces they are trying to infiltrate/mess-with) I'm looking for a larger rifle-sized blaster to compliment the boot-holdout and E-11 blasters. Short of a 4-foot sniper rifle, what are some good canon/in-universe blasters to base what I make upon? I intend to make something I can troop-with, larger than an E-11 and smaller than the DLT-19 listed in the SS CRL. Or, are those the only options for trooping? I'd love something closer to the 3-foot-ish range.
  10. I remember reading that the cummerbund was originally made from a special cotton from the period that had a sheen. "Polished cotton" or something like that.
  11. Jokr


    Star Fortress ... DENIED! Bwahahaha I've been warned to avoid it like it's arsenic .... I'd be better off using old lace Or I'll end up like the "friends" of the Brewster sisters! There are FAR better sources around here, esp forum member themselves (Sorry for the bad film title pun)
  12. Lancer Specialist ....
  13. Are the wrinkles able to be removed by sanding, or are they deeper? --I'm looking at a B-pull set too, so I'm REALLY interested. For future reference ... DV takes partial blame for me being here. "He inspired me!" (Hehehehehe)
  14. Jokr


    Secret code ... At least, they are the same across 50qst stuff. It's surprising how fast you start to "translate" them when reading.
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