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501st Pathfinder
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14 Good

About Rezboy

  • Birthday 07/05/1972

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Dewback Ridge Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  1. I sewed Velcro on my shoulders and that's how it attaches rather than straps. I also added Velcro to my biceps and that's how I keep them attached as well. I think the straps lets them hand down too much in my opinion.
  2. Good luck with that kit!í ½í±í ¼í¿¾
  3. Weathering looks good!
  4. Congrats, looks awesome!
  5. I used a water color of black and brown then sponged it on about 3 times to get my weathering look. It will darken your armor, so it's really up to you. You can look at my pics under my build to see.
  6. Congrats!
  7. The smaller straps are your forearm straps and the bigger ones are the knee straps which can be attached with snaps. Trippler's build thread has great pictures of how it is attached. The aerators attach on top of the top greeb.
  8. Congrats, I would suggest looking at Trippler's and Ian's Kashyyyk build thread. Great detail step by step pictures that I referenced for my build.
  9. Trooped at CVII and it was AWESOME!!!!!! Love my Kashyyyk Armor. So much more comfortable than my TX Armor. I can actually bend down and pick things up. The best thing about CVII was trooping with my son who trooped his first troop at CVII.
  10. K-Mart boot is fine, but I purchased the 3/4 boot. Your Boot and shin armor will be covering most of your boots anyway. Crow62 boots are great, but expensive. It all depends how much you wanna spend. Check out my thread on "Rezboy" build for pics.
  11. K-Mart has a 3/4 boot for $35.00. It's a better fit for your shin armor to fit around.
  12. Approved! CB-7225 reporting for duty!
  13. Just finished my build and sent pics for approval.
  14. Almost finished! I'm a bit crazy for taking on this task to have it finished by Celebration. I'm gonna take pictures later this afternoon and submit them for approval. Huge thanks to Joeseph and Tye for their help here in town. And thanks to those who helped me with encouragement and pointing me in the right direction. Thx!
  15. Here's more pictures of my build. I'm about 80% completed.
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