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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by treeinspector

  1. Yeah I checked and it won't jive. This was the v1.0 Studio Creations bucket. Jeff at Studio Creations is hooking me up with the 2.0 seamless replacement piece. Thanks everyone.
  2. I've got a replacement back and top piece on the way from Studio Creations. That should fix it.
  3. I was told that it was approved in FL in 2010 and I know for a fact that it was approved in MidSouth in August 2012. I guess it just slipped through. Oh well, back to the body shop.
  4. Is that a requirement for basic (not Lancer) approval? It doesn't say anything in the CRL about it. This helmet has already been approved with the seam twice. I plan on actually getting a new bucket as soon as possible that would be big enough to accommodate a fan and voice mod. I just wanted to know if I could go ahead and get approved with this one.
  5. Here is the back view...
  6. Hello BSN. I am in the final stages of approval for my biker scout kit and wanted to get your opinion ahead of time before I submit my pics. Here's the backstory: this bucket is a Studio Creations v1.0 that was originally purchased in 2010 and approved through the FL garrison. It was later transferred to another person and approved again in 2012 in the MidSouth Garrison. When I received it, it had some issues. The paint had yellowed, vinyl was peeling, incorrect snout paint scheme, incorrect snout greeblie, etc. I've added the correct greeblie, had it professionally repainted, and replaced the vinyl. As far as I know, I've met every aspect of the CRL. I just wanted to get a quick sanity check and see if I'm good to go for submission. Thanks in advance!
  7. Where might this template or pattern be found? I'm in the same boat.
  8. Awesome! Thanks for the pic and ideas. I think I'll go with the strap. Those blasters aren't cheap and it seems like the most secure.
  9. Hello folks. I've heard of a lot of scouts securing their blaster pistols into the boot holster using a strap. Does anyone have any reference pics or guidance on this? I want to make sure it will stay in the holster when I'm not using it. Thanks in advance.
  10. Hello everyone. My armor is being painted now, but I need to get new vinyl graphics for the back armor. Any ideas where to get them from?
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