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Sith Lord

PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by Sith Lord

  1. @sibbel29 I recomend to check out "Pandatrooper's SC Biker Scout build" This is a very detailed thread that helped me a lot. Sith Lord
  2. Which rivets do you mean? The ones on the belt? Sith Lord
  3. Complete Sith Lord
  4. Then i put some E6000 on the inside around the stitching, and attached it. Sith Lord
  5. I drew the stitchlines on thin greaseproof paper then sewed. Sith Lord
  6. To make the calf thicker so it will stand, I attached a layer of thick cotton fabric using "Iron-on-adhesive. Sith Lord
  7. Pinned down the vinyl. Sith Lord
  8. Filled the shoes with plastic bags to keep the shape while glueing. Sith Lord
  9. Started on the shoes. I'm not too happy with the soles on these. But they were the only one i found that was in my budget now. If the final result is bad, I'm going to make some new, with a better shoe. Sith Lord
  10. In the 501st costume reference library, it says to use cotton fabric. I see in the how-to, that you used beaver nylon. Is that aproved? And why did you use it. Is the beaver nylon more tough and durable? Sith Lord
  11. They work like this and now they allso work in the how-to. Sith Lord
  12. I cant see the pictures in the how-to. They seem to be gone. Sith Lord
  13. Thanks for the tip with the stirrups, Stasz. I'm going to attach that to my jumpsuit. Sith Lord
  14. Yes. I'm going to make the cummerbund myself. Sith Lord
  15. The Empire wants you! Sith Lord
  16. I think I'm going to take inn the legs of the suit a bit. I think they look a litle to baggy. Any coments? Sith Lord
  17. Sith Lord
  18. Trying on for size. Sith Lord
  19. Sith Lord
  20. Sith Lord
  21. Finished puting on the decals. Have allso spraypainted the inside black. And spraypainted the bolts grey. Sith Lord
  22. Looks great. What did u use. (paint, brush, sponge)? Sith Lord
  23. Used E6000 and a screw to attach the greeblie. Sith Lord
  24. Finished spraypainting the snout. Time to attach the greeblie. Sith Lord
  25. Preparing for spraypainting the snout. Sith Lord
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