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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by 4cdarth

  1. Hello guys I was wondering if anyone knows where I can find someone who makes adult sized biker scout hard armor. The only guy I know makes it only in child size. I am looking for anywhere in or near connecticut (new york, Massachusetts, Rhode island, etc.) I would really appreciate the help.
  2. think i can get a copy of schematics when it's done. hoping to become scout trooper and i need to headshot some ewoks
  3. hello, i am looking to become a scout trooper but i want mines to be unique. i always enjoyed playing sniper in star wars battlefront and i was wondering if anyone made blueprints or have pics of a model E-11s to use with coustume that is 501st approved? this is the closest to a schmatic i found but no real measurements. if anyone knows size specifications that would be great as well.
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