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Lucasfan7 last won the day on April 4 2021

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157 Excellent

About Lucasfan7

  • Birthday 09/12/1988

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    Fresno ca

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  • 501st Garrison
    Central California garrison
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  1. Congratulations, you look amazing
  2. Congratulations brotha
  3. One of the best parts of the scout is that you have such great ability to hear the things around you and Interact with kids better, I had fans in my first scout but once you add them by the ear vents then it makes it hard to hear. I don’t have any fans in my new kit and I honestly haven’t had to. I have the UKSwrath audio system in my helmet which doesn’t allow much space for anything else, but to be honest, you don’t need the fans unless you are trooping mid summer and at that point there is nothing that will stop you from sweating bullets. Hope this helps
  4. That is awesome man, looks great
  5. Same here, I really want to see this bad boy though
  6. I have been using the UKswrathspecialty mic and it is amazing because everything stays contained in the helmet and the sound comes from the helmet as well. https://www.etsy.com/listing/741836481/biker-scout-helmet-audio-system?ref=shop_home_active_26&frs=1&crt=1&sts=1
  7. Congratulations, thanks for everything and I’m looking forward to another awesome year.
  8. Merry Christmas everyone, And may the force be with you.
  9. Don’t mind my horrible stitching. My machine acts up Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  10. Yeah I will a bit later when I’m home from work, as long as I don’t forget
  11. Yeah I totally understand that, thanks for reviewing it though. Yeah it is black spray paint. I actually like the weathering on it and wouldn’t mind keeping it as is but also I can purchase a second cummerbund and weather it slightly different. It’s not a huge cost and I could squeeze it in. I want a set with off white pouches anyways so this gives me the option.
  12. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  13. No worries, I totally understand that. I’m sure that if it looks like too much weathering in these photos then it is probably too much since these photos already look light compared to it up close. I will send a few through though just to get an idea from you guys how much I would have to reduce it.
  14. Thanks man I appreciate that. I totally understand that.
  15. I am the taller trooper on the left of most of these pictures with the RS helmet. And I know, I know, I should have adjusted a few things before I trooper specifically my crotch. Please let me know what you think about the soft goods weathering as previously asked in my post above. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
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