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Eyeslave last won the day on July 22 2017

Eyeslave had the most liked content!


145 Excellent

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  • Level II Badge
    Lancer TB
  • Trooping Award Badge
    10+ TB
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  • 501st Garrison
    Ireland Garrison
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  1. Sounds like you didn't use a backing on the rivet. I used a washer, but the guys suggestions are better. The rivet can be drilled out. Use a bit size that fits in the head. Be careful not to overheat it, or snap the plastic.
  2. You may want to reshape the angle of the chest & back armor so it's more in line with your shoulder shape, if that makes sense. Reshaping may fix the chest moving up problem hopefully. The bridge shoulder join ( material ) should be approximately 1 inch I believe for accuracy. ****Edit: although looking at your signature, it looks good. I think more pics would be helpful in getting to the route of the problem
  3. That looks like a hard warp to fix & if it was me, I would get a replacement off Jeff ( SC ). Always go slow when heating plastic & watch what's cooking in the oven
  4. Have you tried on the chest piece while wearing the undersuit & vest? I am a skinny guy and had no issue with the SC chest.
  5. I have a cheap dremmel from LIDL ( European chain store ). I have it many years and it's still doing its job.
  6. Good luck with the build. A Dremel is an essential tool to have. And being good with sewing always helps.
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